100 Followers! Thank You!

100 Followers Headline 2.jpg

Thank you very much to everyone who has helped me get to this point! A little over a month ago I decided to start writing here on Steemit. It was nothing but passion for me, a place to express my thoughts on topics that I like. As most of you already know, I mainly cover blockchain & cryptocurrency, but occasionally I'll write about other things to mix it up. If you don't already know, I'm currently finishing up my last year of college, pursuing a degree in Finance. Investing has become something I'm very passionate about. I think financial litteracy is something everyone should know, it would free people up from debt and let people enjoy more financial freedom if they understood time value of money and owning assets that work for you.

My goal from here is to put quality content (articles) on here at least three times a week. And I'm sure some weeks that I'll post more because of how hot cryptocurrency and blockchain technology is right now. Another goal of mine is to get to 1000 followers by October. It's a very ambitious goal, but I like to set goals to have something to aim for.

You can checkout my website here and add me on Linkedin and follow my Instagram.

Also, if anyone has content or a topic you want me to cover, comment below, I love learning new things.

Thank You!


Congratulations, mate! Your website is really beautiful, really neat design. I'm interested in investing as well, so I will follow you!

Thank you! I put it together about two weeks ago quickly because I was attending a Blockchain and Cryptocurrency event in LA. So it was last second, but it worked and looks clean.

I upvoted your post - followed you on steemit and instagram (sallykwitt). I tried to send you a connection request on Linked In, but we are 3rd level so I couldn't. I am surprised, because I have over 18 thousand connections. LOL. If you know how to send me an inviation, my link is https://www.linkedin.com/in/sallykingwitt/. Take Care.

Thank you Sally! I tried connecting on LinkedIn, but it requires me to know your email.

My email for Linked In is [email protected]. Thank you @investoranalysis!

Got it! Just resent it.

Thanks. I love connecting everywhere. LOL