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RE: Card Counting, Investing, and Taking Advantage of Asymmetry

in #investing8 years ago

Hell yeah to more vets! Also, I was on the Reagan from 2004-2006, in personnel, disbursing, training dept. remember the power hours? They started calling them 'spirit of 76' just before I flew off of there


Ah shipmate! I worked on the nuclear reactors and got to the ship around 2005 mid year.

We've probably crossed paths at some point then, probably when you were checking in or had to go to disbursing.
There's been a lot of Reagan news since then... mostly sad

That's too bad. I've been out of the loop mostly. Left the Navy in '09.

I got out June '09 myself, and data dumped all that stuff. But there were a couple hundred Reagan sailors who got really sick from helping out after Fukushima. That's about the extent of me keeping up with that.

Thanks for the great article, I'm just getting into crypto big time this year and information like this is invaluable to me. I'm looking forward to reading more work from you