Tokens and coins
Understanding the difference between coins and tokens and the intrinsic value a specific company gives its coin or token is key to understand the future value of that asset. It could be considered as the fundamental analisys of crytoworld assets.
A coin has its own blockchain behind it. Coins have their own protocol and do not depend on any other asset to "exist". Bitcoin, Ethereum are this kind of assets. On the other hand, tokens are assets which need coins blockchain to exist. Most of the recent ICO's are supported by ethereum blockchain. Some of those are Storj Token or Aragon token.
Finally, getting to understand the intrinsic value a specific App or project gives to its coin or token is key. Ethereum charges ethers (they call it gas) to any specific operation done on its blockchain. Storj pays and charges with Storj coin and other tokens as Monaco distribute part of their benefits among their token holders.
Besides its intrinsic value, there's allways the market there to buy and sell your assets just as there is the stock market for company stocks and the performance of a company to decide if it may do well on the future and decide to invest on it.
An excellent post on Medium from Linda Xia about this matter can give you a more detailed insight about the matter.
Good post keep it up.