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RE: Breaking the reliance, relying on community

in #investing5 years ago

Interesting points. I am currently in the middle of a what I call “My mid-life garage sale”. I have began selling many of my goods that I have stockpiled in my home and are gathering dust as has my wife. We have been truly amazed at the amount of capital we have raised and which she is using to renovate various sections of the house. You can probably imagine my joy of Not having to spend any money on those projects, except the occasional shortfall.Hi @tarazkp

It is very interesting how much we accumulate as we go around the sun each year and how little we sometimes use these things, but one man’s garbage is another man’s treasure and with eBay and providing a safe avenue for its disposal of these items away they go. 😀

✍🏼 Shortsegments


I am thinking about doing more of the same. We tend to clear out a couple times a year but we don't actually buy that much unnecessary of late as the cost of our daughter's healthcare was unexpected. However, it is always good to set the habit of minimal lifestyle at every entry point possible :)