Thanks for the technicial update.
I watch price action, mostly out of being neurotic other than anything else since it doesnt really bother me wherever it is.
I did use this opportunity to buy up more I feel bad I didnt buy more. Alas, cant be greedy....I added and will profit handsomely off the levels I got it at.
The technicals support my intuition, both of these are going much higher. True we might see some backwards action from here a bit...but not much lower....and then it is off to the races. Some of the EW people have us finishing up a 2nd wave for most cryptos meaning wave three is next.
If people havent heard about crypto by now, they will be after a wave 3 completes (if that happens). There will be such a huge run that even those imps on CNBC will have to acknowledge that this stuff is real.
Of course, from the looks of things, it might coincide with a stock market crash....
....wouldnt that be amazing.....Bitcoin goes up 400% and JP Morgan goes down 35%.