My bad Experiences in online investments Scheme!

in #investment8 years ago

Online investments schemes is the easiest but risky money making program in internet. Most of it are just "hit and run" program like thief asking you to steal your stuff. Online investment scheme is one of the top money making in internet that people are joining despite of the high risk. They invested their hard earned money hoping to gain bigger from it. Some earned for good but where they are now? Most of the programs running who said, they are legit, they are paying and they will stay for a long haul are now gone...Where are they now?
![high investment2.jpg]

My Worst Story Ever...

It was 2012 when i my friend introduce me "an opportunity" they said that offers good earning from your investment. It is one of the said top investment program that offers high yield percentage in return. I have no idea what is going on about the online investment thing..but what i did was, i joined and start to observe and learn it.

Until...time comes that i understand how it works, i put almost of my savings. Yes, i earned for good for 3 months then i started to gather my friends, family and co workers and introduce this system to them. I was like, a millionaire making money every day. Some of my friend invested their hard earned money, some of them loaned it from the bank, they sold out their things, vehicle and etc. just to put it in a program.

And it went wrong...

Sharing opportunity is not bad, but when this opportunity went wrong the blame will be pointed to you from those people whom you shared the opportunity. This was happened to me...basically, the shamed and fears that left me nothing but to put myself away from them. When this program went down, all of the people who joined the program was dismayed, regrets why they joined. They lost not just thousands but millions...and one of them are my friends.

Blame pointed on me...

I have nothing words to says, to explain..except, letting them know the risk but its too late. In short, i was blamed of sharing the opportunity to them that triggered them to pull out money from the bank to put in it.

Lesson Learned...

After those worst thing happened to me, i never joined any of it and i have the trauma to join any investment programs after all. When it comes to money matters, always remember to put your self in to safest zone. Do not promise, to not encourage people to join for the sake of getting bigger in return, avoid investing online which is not legitimate and do not share it to people if you are not sure.