My first experience with BitShares

Upon entering my Finance 469 (Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management) class, I had absolutely no clue on how to invest, short, manage or even just what shorting meant. Within a few days, and at the accelerated pace that Summer courses are in Universities, I had managed to find a firm grasp on the lingo. Also within the first week our young but ambitious professor tasked us with a mini extra credit project of investing with bitshares. He gave all the students 10 dollars worth of BTS and sent us on our way. Unfortunately, again as usual, I had NO CLUE what to do. Of course now that I had a new utility belt of lingo and a basic understanding of how to invest, I jumped head first into this Bitshares.
Being young and ambitious and a little rash, I hit the bottom and found myself downing in an ocean of numbers, figures, odd looking graphs, and things called Bitshares, Steem, and Bitsilver. Being the 20 year old college man that I am did not ask for help but yet again plunged deeper into the bottomed ocean that I was in.
After 3 days of struggling and buying random stock in Steem then Bitshares then Orbit and still nothing occurring (because at the time I didn't realize how the Buy/Sell section worked), I decided to finally open my text book and do the only thing that I think I can do right, read and study. Upon hitting the Futures and Options section and again rereading what shorting was, it all clicked what I had to do. I had to first off stop being an idiot and read the info section on Bitshares and then actually utilize the college training that I had. Within an hour I had made up my loses and and started on a steady increase of 2%, with hopefully more will come.
The lesson of this is new technology is awesome and will surely spur our learning in a new exponential path, but we will have to stop and read the directions every now and again or we can surely be lost in an ocean of numbers and weird graphs


Some great points...
-sometimes the best way to learn is to just dive in and struggle
-but then taking the time to read directions, study the system, and learn from others helps a ton

Every time you learn something new you become better version of yourself.

I upvoted you.