You do not participate in international relations, are not a major big corporations and even the police, whose duties include negotiating with terrorists. And you think that there is no need to load yourself with knowledge on how to properly negotiate, it's useless knowledge for you.
But only try to think and to remember what you did yesterday. Certainly, throughout the day there was a set of situations in which you had to resort to the conversation and persuasion of the interlocutor. Discussions with colleagues at work, head belief that the project coincides with the wishes of the customer, the assurances of the seller in the store that your crumpled bill solvency and more.
All this is a negotiation. To solve any conflicts of life, belief in something interlocutor, establishing relationships necessary to have recourse to negotiation.
Tips ancestors of negotiations
In ancient Athens more than 2300 years ago, there lived a wise man Socrates. Despite the fact that so much time has passed, his method of negotiating relevant today. Socrates pretended to be discussed with the person in question, he is not a bit of meaning, thus multiply his opponent had to repeat my point of view and give him all the known arguments. So, first of all, Socrates Scouting from the interlocutor more information than he consciously wanted to give, and, secondly, to have enough time to get to know your opponent and prepare the most qualitative arguments against it. Today, this method is used by many successful negotiators.
Known to all as Murphy advises not to start discussing any questions before 10 am, right interlocutor might think that a positive solution to the issue for you is extremely important that you are prepared at this hour to begin to discuss anything. Also, according to Murphy, do not start anything after 4 o'clock in the afternoon, because your opponent might get the feeling that you are not particularly looking for a positive solution for you. From this it follows that we should not go to extremes in the negotiation process.
By law Truman need to confuse your buddy, if you can not change his mind. Since losing the source logic in their arguments, they will bow to your more logical. A rule Helgi says that the interlocutor quality for your benefit will affect first refusal and a categorical "no", and only then a willingness to talk - a so-called template break when the source is lost and is not ready to lead relevant to a given situation arguments.
How to make the talks ended for the benefit of both sides?
First of all, remember that no business is not possible without the people and attitude to people - two planes that intersect. In dealing with people, observe the softness, and in relation to the case of strong hardness. In the formation of the final business proposal stand on the side of your buddy and see how accepted the offer on his part.
Second, you have to find common ground in the interests and values of life with his companion. But it does not get hung up, so that your relationship is not turned in unneeded plane.
Third, even if negotiations went into a corner, from which the output is not visible, do not despair. Look for innovative approaches and solutions, use brainstorming techniques.
Fourth, your criteria for evaluating things and events - subjective. Your partner can be a completely different value. Make sure once you understand your interlocutor, and can receive and submit information objectively.
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