Ofcourse, there are people who deliberately made themselves poor even though they are rich. They qualify to be called poor people and are worthy of the Kingdom. Because it's written that a rich man cannot enter the Kingdom of the CREATOR.
These people avoid selfish accumulation of wealth, luxury goods, unnecessary possessions, materialistic lifestyle etc. They give away parts of their riches to the needy/poor, yet they invest other parts in profitable investment or businesses that produce things everyone can afford. Their goal is to make sure society and those in need benefit from their riches. They emphasize less on self and more on others, better still, they are into this for selfless reasons
In truth, this lifestyle is more beneficial to society because what would have gone to one or few rich people is going to more people, especially the needy. Instead of owning a mansion, they invest in companies or build low cost housing for the needy. Instead of expensive foods, they buy cheap healthy foods and invest the rest in food businesses or give away to the needy etc.