
My understanding of this is that people leverage it by using it together with their friends and voting each other's content.

Interesting perspective. Are you a full-time Steemian?

No, I'm not and never will be. Steemit for me, is a place where I can share the lessons I learn and meet new interesting people. I build and help businesses grow, that's my full-time gig :D

What about you @pjcswart?

Awesome Attitude. Nope! Just curious are you into personal development books?

Read them all :D Haha
Actually I plan to create a series of book reviews here on steemit!

What's your main job/gig?
And what's your favorite book?

Fantastic what kinds of books? I like The Science Of Getting Rich!

Success, Mindset, Business and Money

These 5 are my favorites on personal development:

  1. The Education of Millionaires: Everything You Won't Learn in College About How to Be Successful - Michale Ellsbers
  2. The obstacle is the way - Ryan Holiday
  3. Ego is the enemy - Ryan Holiday
  4. The subtle art of not giving a fuck - Mark Manson
  5. The distracted mind - Adam Gazzaley