Dan my house is already Powered by solar power... but in a different way, i have 8,5kwatts of power, installed on the roof...
Producing electricity for the electric company... The main point in my contract, it that i sell power for 0.55euro/kw, and i buy it from the same company for 0.11e/kw.
Every 4 months... my burned and produced kwatts, are calculated in euro... and then i get payed.. For example... i burned 200e and produced 1000? i get 800 back...
This contract i made is valid for 25 years...
Total Solar grid back in 2007 cost, 33k euro, (now is almost half the price) But the contracts are waaayy smaller... you can sell back electriciry for as low as 0.18,-0.20euro/kw.
Thats the best i could get from google maps...