Silver Love

in #investments9 years ago


Silver Way Of Life

Silver plays a big role in my health these days on many levels. I use my silver when I drink, I use it for acne, I use it when I feel my cat is sick and also collect it as an investment. Their are a lot of dirty rumors regarding its safety and another that states you may get a sickness such as argyria and then they go on showing you a guy that looks like a smurf. I have been using it for over 10 years ever since I first heard of Dr. Bob Beck who introduced me to it and I assure you I am not blue. So now that we got that bull out of the way lets dive into why I love it and perhaps at the end you can draw your own conclusions as to why mainstream media never says anything positive about it. Keep in mind this is about me and how I use it and enjoy our gift from the gods, silver. 

Me & Silver

I thought I put out some information on my first love that has eased my trouble during sick times and who even helps we save my well earned money for rainy days to come. Her name is Silver, I genetically feel as if we have known each other in many past lives. She is a well-known mineral and precious metal. This amazing precious metal trades low even though it is used in everything. Surgical tools, solar panels, your Ipad. I primarily use it in a colloidal form known as colloidal silver to most of you who have walked in a GNC lately. Yes they do sell it but I highly suggest not using anything sold in a bottle, why you ask? Because the silver content which is measures in parts per million (PPM) is always exaggerated. I know because I used a TDS tester on it. I do not like to use the tester because the only thing that I like touching my silver potion is glass and I knew I was not going to drink it because I make much better on my own. I am sure some products may have what they claim it has I always find faults that rub me the wrong way. For example most enlightened people know that plastic is bad for you, why would you buy such a potion in a low quality container. Also why would you pay those outrageous prices for something that costs pennies? So let’s get to the meat and potatoes of Silver. It is a Antibacterial, Anti fungal, antiviral, antimicrobial and a mineral. Yes just like copper and zinc are minerals.Very simple to make first go on Amazon or Ebay and find 2 pure silver wires at .9999 purity at 6 inches or more in length do not settle for less. Then go out to your local electronics store like radio shack and buy yourself 3 Square 9V batteries, a roll of 6 foot (minimum) 12 gauge wire with 9V battery caps (thinner thicker does not make much difference in my experience, just not too thick better to have a thinner wire.). You might also want to purchase some cabinet liner or vinyl stickering to wrap your bottle in because you want to keep your silver elixir in the dark once it is made. Once collecting the few items set them on the table and wind out 2 pieces of wire at 24 inches each. Connect one wire directly to all 3 positive terminals (red) of the 9V caps and the other side to 1 silver wire. Just make a little hook at the end of the silver (pure silver is soft and easy to bend) and tie the stripped side of the wire to it. Do the exact same thing with the negative side and the other silver wire. Next get a mason jar and cover it with something to make sure it is dark inside because silver turns in the light and then it tastes very different (to me at least). Once you are ready and your wires are connected then you are ready to make your water. Word to the wise never let the negative touch the positive so keep those wires far apart from each other at all times. Over time you will learn tricks of your own to doing this like making two holes in a piece of cardboard and stick them through. This also allows you to easily put the wires in your jar when it comes time.Now your water is very important, I am sure you all heard about the blue man. Well what the mainstream media forgot to tell you is that he was not using pure water, not only that he made it wrong he was also rubbing it on his skin daily. So come on people lets use our brains a bit and stop listening to paid media on the dummy tube. I am sure during the break their was at least one drug commercial that should tell you who pays for TV and who is running the show. Getting back to the topic, what is meant by clean water is PURE H20 (medical grade) distilled water. Not the distilled water in a plastic bottle at your local supermarket (very poisonous by the way) but distilled water straight from a distiller. I first filter my water through a very thick long regular charcoal filter. This helps get rid of any Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) then I put it though the distiller. For those of you who are blessed with a reverse osmosis filtration system then you are good to go, just make sure your filter is replaced regularly.I personally go a little further my telling my water I love and appreciate it and I swish it around making a tornado effect then I let my water listen to music because my water loves Beethoven. If you think I am nuts then yea maybe I am or maybe I have dived into the realm of structured water and I hope you do too. Maybe I will make my next article about it. 

My love for silver continues ....

Part 2

So now you have your water and your homemade silver maker gizmo. Just put the silver wires in the water and make sure they never touch. Every 20 -30 minutes just wipe down the wires with a cloth (I use a hemp cloth, and and metal scrubbing pad for when I am done so I put them away clean) because they will start to turn black and you definitely do not want to taste that (very nasty). After about three to six hours depending on how good your batteries are and amount of silver you have you can drink and enjoy. If you want to start measuring and making sure it is potent just get an LED laser pointer and point it through the glass, if you can see the red beam go through it then you are successful.Over time you will notice the more potent the silver PPM is in the water the stronger that laser will look. This is called the tyndall effect I believe. After you do this simple procedure once you may become a little fanatical about it. You will start to develop the taste for it and will no longer need the laser. Soon later you will start improving your methods of making your magic potion. I use it sporadically during the week or daily if I am feeling like I am catching that cold from the office. I give it to my cat daily. If I go on vacation I bring my silver wires with me to kill anything that may be in the water. I breathe it when needed. Actually the first time I ever use it was through a nebulizer, at the time I had a nasty bronchial infection for over two weeks and my friend had me use his with fresh silver he made. One hour later the flem was gone the next day it was all gone. I was then a firm believer. I use this mineral any way I see it having a purpose in my life. In my soap. In my fresh juice and soups. I also put it in my garden soil. Silver has said to be stripped out of our soil over time so I put it back in. My cat loves it over tap water, she just refuses to drink the tap. 10 years people, I am not blue, I rarely get sick and rarely go to the doctor. I like to have him check my blood for missing vitamins and such.So please if you are reading this do not ignore this amazing antibiotic that cannot be replicated due to how natural it is. Big pharma cannot make any money off of it and do not want you to know that the remedy to most of your problems is in a mineral (deficiency ?) easily found and made by YOU. Take back your power and your health. Also please do your research, not 5 minutes of research I mean really dive in, listen to bob beck. Find out why the FDA stopped its use, how long it had been used for.... ever since Roman Times ? Yes. Egyptians ? Yes. Ancient Greeks ? Yes. Japanese ? Yes. Stop watching survivor and get to work, you may just save yourself from more medical expenses then you ever thought possible. Love you all and till we meet again my friends. LooTz