Tin Foil Hats Needed — 33rd day of the year ... Stock Market down “666” points

in #investments7 years ago

Source: https://dollarvigilante.com/blog/2018/02/04/dow-falls-666-points-on-33rd-day-of-the-year-as-cryptocurrencies-crash-and-krugman-emerges-from-his-van-down-by-the-river.html

Hmmm...just a coincidence you say?

33 days into 2018 and the Stock Markets falls 666 points.... hmmm

And today the Markets Drops another 1000 points....was the 666 a sign given “THEY” can move the market when / how they want and now it’s time to “take it down”.

Is this to be another 2008 where real estate, stock market and more will not do well or make 2008 look like a picnic.

Let’s not forget from 1988 ...where the Economist (Rothschild owned - Same Banker family involved with the Central Banks worldwide).

What on the cover ? What did they project in 2018? A new currency...looks like a crypto

Now we fast forward to this week and the SEC and CFTC for the most part give a “passing grade to crypto’s”....odd you say? Well maybe not so odd if the SEC and CFTC know that the Fed Reserve Banks will come out with their “own cryptos”....see my point?

We always knew governments would have cryptos....and we know it means competition.

Tinfoil Hat is on nice and tight tonight.....what say you?


As a Former Licensed Stockbroker for over 26 years I can tell you with Crypto's and Precious Metals I know I would never buy a Share in their Wall Street Market ever again................

I hear you my friend....the dark side runs deep and this time they are at war vs Trump. They will do all they have to so that Trump is the fall guy. They picked the time. The recent memo’s show collusion that is very deep and more to come. “The calm before the storm” — this is the storm.

Well done. All my thought wrapped up into one.

We live in interesting times my friend.