The weakest point within a system is often the social aspects. This is why the best and most efficient hacks are done when the hackers game the password recovery system and power is handed over to them.
I think your proposal might be a little over complicated.
To improve Steemit and avoid future account hacks is a lot more straightforward. Enable 2FA or allow supports from Google Authenticator, Trezor and Ledger Wallets.
Yeah I did consider that it was a little over complicated.
But I wanted to come up with a system that also dealt with the scammer/emotional blackmailers as well, as I believe that will always be a problem and will become more so once we go "Mainstream"
I also believe if we don't act before that happens we'll get a bad perception as a "scammy" place.
I don't think it has to be this system, I just wanted to add my 2 cents to the wider conversation on the issue.
I appreciate your comment :)