Some say it’s a scam while others say it’s legit so who do you believe?
The good news is I am going to put all the rumors to rest and walk you through the company, products and compensation plan so you can make the right decision to join or not…
What is Questra World?
Questra World Review
Questra World is an investment opportunity where you put in money to get a weekly ROI of 4% or more.
The company is fun by a man named Jose Manuel Gilabert who is the CEO who launched this under “Questra World” this year.
However, when I went to investigate this further, I found some shocking information…
The corporate address is based in Madrid, Spain, but I found the same address on the AirBnB website that lists a one bedroom apartment for $45 per night…odd right?
The domain name “” was registered on June 30th of 2016 and has “Questra Holdings” as the owner.
I did a little digging there and found out that Questra Holding launched back in 2015 and used the domain name “”, but it’s no longer used.
Another piece of information that doesn’t help Questra World is that Belgium’s Financial Services and Markets Authority put out a regulatory warning September of 2016 against Questra Holdings.
Questra Holdings is not an authorized investment firm or credit institution in Belgium. It is therefore not allowed to provide banking and/or investment services in or from Belgium.
Moreover, the system proposed by Questra Holdings has every appearance of being of a pyramidal type or at least of a Ponzi fraud.
Only thing I am not sure of is if Questra Holdings became Questra World because of the heat from regulatory institutions…
Right now, this company just has too many red flags out of the gate but I will keep going in this Questra World review…
What Does Questra World Sell?
Questra World doesn’t offer any retail products or services, but gives you the ability to join as an affiliate and invest.
In other words, Questra World is selling affiliate memberships with a tied investment opportunity.
Let’s take a look at the compensation plan next…
Questra World Compensation Plan
In the Questra World compensation plan, you can join in one of the 11 plans they offer to participate int he comp plan and get a weekly ROI on your investments:
Standard – Invest €90 to €999,999 EUR and receive an average weekly ROI of 6% for 52 weeks (ROI not withdrawable until after 52 weeks)
White – Invest €90 EUR and receive an average weekly ROI of 4%
Yellow – Invest €270 EUR and receive an average weekly ROI of 4.2%
Green – Invest €810 EUR and receive an average weekly ROI of 4.6%
Blue – Invest €2430 EUR and receive an average weekly ROI of 5%
Red – Invest €7290 EUR and receive an average weekly ROI of 5.2%
Black – Invest €21,870 EUR and receive an average weekly ROI of 6%
Indigo – Invest €65,610 EUR and receive an average weekly ROI of 6.2%
VIP – Invest €100,000 EUR and receive an average weekly ROI of 6.47%
VIP Gold – Invest €250,000 EUR and receive an average weekly ROI of 6.47%
VIP Platinum – Invest €500,000 EUR and receive an average weekly ROI of 6.47%
Questra World Ranks
The company has 11 affiliate ranks in total and this is what that looks like with their qualifications:
Newcomer – Join and invest in a Questra World plan
Bronze Agent – Personally sponsor affiliates who together invest at least €3000 EUR
Silver Agent – Personally sponsor affiliates who together invest at least €25,000 EUR
Gold Agent – Personally sponsor affiliates who together invest at least €50,000 EUR
Platinum Agent – Personally sponsor affiliates who together invest at least €100,000 EUR
Bronze Director – Personally sponsor affiliates who together invest at least €500,000 EUR
Silver Director – Personally sponsor affiliates who together invest at least €1,000,000 EUR
Gold Director – Personally sponsor affiliates who together invest at least €3,000,000 EUR
Platinum Director – Personally sponsor affiliates who together invest at least €10,000,000 EUR
Managing Director – Personally sponsor affiliates who together invest at least €30,000,000 EUR
Super Director – Personally sponsor affiliates who together invest at least €100,000,000 EUR
Referral Income Commissions
All referral commissions are paid out through a unilevel compensation plan structure.
If you don’t know what that looks like, check this out:
Level 1: Personally enrolled members
Level 2: Level 1’s personally enrolled members
Level 3: Level 2’s personally enrolled members
And so on…
I know a lot of Questra World reviews don’t talk about the details in the compensation plan, but I am going to lay it all out for you all!
All of the commissions generated here are a percentage of the funds that are invested by affiliates in the unilevel legs.
That percentage will be determined by affiliate rank a Questra World member has achieved:
Newcomer – 5%
Bronze Agent – 7%
Silver Agent – 9%
Gold Agent – 10.5%
Platinum Agent – 12%
Bronze Director – 13%
Silver Director – 14%
Gold Director – 14.5%
Platinum, Managing and Super Directors – 15%
These bonuses are coded and ALL of the Questra World investments pay 15%, but you only get what your rank qualifies.
Any left over percentage will go to the next upline who qualifies at a particular level.
Interest Free Loan
When you hit Gold Director rank or higher, you can apply for an interest free loan.
Questra World says that this loan can only be used for real estate or a car with a 25% down payment from you.
The rest of the 75% will be paid over 5 years for a car or 10 years for real estate by Questra World.
They will deduct the payments from your affiliate commissions.
Cost To Join Questra World
The cost to join Questra World depends on which plan you invest with:
Standard – €90 to €999,999 EUR
White – €90 EUR
Yellow – €270 EUR
Green – €810 EUR
Blue – €2430 EUR
Red – €7290 EUR
Black – €21,870 EUR
Indigo – €65,610 EUR
VIP – €100,000 EUR
VIP Gold – €250,000 EUR
VIP Platinum – €500,000 EUR
The main difference between the plans is your income potential in the compensation plan.
The moment you have been waiting for in this Questra World review…
Verdict On Questra World
Questra World claims it generates these crazy high ROI’s through Atlantic Global Asset Management…
Let’s think of this logically for a moment and I really want you to pay attention to what I am going to say next…
If they could really generated 300% to 500% ROI in 7 to 8 months through Atlantic Global Asset Management, why do they need these HUGE investments from affiliates?
Can’t they just take a small bank loan and make a killing without the investments of affiliates?
Another thing I didn’t get is that the YouTube Channel is in Russian, but the company is suppose to be Spanish.
The biggest risk here is you won’t be paid ANY ROI for 365 days and the sad reality is that most of these companies go under much sooner than that.
I am not trying to be negative, but just look at the facts…
I don’t want you guys to get screwed that’s all.
So I would proceed with caution…
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my Questra World review and if you have any questions, please lave them in the comments below…
Jesse What Do You Recommend?
I hope you haven’t invested crazy money in Questra…
Anyway, after reviewing hundreds of companies and systems out there…
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Thanks for laying out the facts and i think it's pretty clear. But yeah, let people make their own decision of where they want to park their money if they are comfortable with it.
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Lol not putting my money there
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