Bitcoin, Syscoin, Gold & Silver to Shoot Up FASTER If Deutsche Bank goes bust

in #investments8 years ago (edited)

If Deutsche Bank goes bust this weekend then Bitcoin, Syscoin, Gold & Silver is sure to Shoot Up!!! I think now is a perfect buying opportunity for Bitcoin, Syscoin, Gold & Silver!

It is not looking good for Deutsche Bank and this is reminding me of the Lehman Brothers collapse, if they do go bust which in my opinion it is looking like they will then this will effect the world financial markets!!!

Protect your wealth in REAL Tangible Assets such as Gold, Silver & Fine Art.

Have some of your money in Bitcoin & even Syscoin too!

Please read my previous steemit articles so that you are prepared and ready!


The 3 Assets Wealthy People Use To Preserve Wealth

Syscoin Blockmarket to Surpass Ebay

Syscoin (Partners With Microsoft Azure) VS OpenBazaar & Why You Should Seize The Opportunity Quickly To Invest In Syscoin Now

Yesterday I Predicted That Syscoin Would Rise in My Steemit Post To All The Steemers!! & Since My Post It Has Been Rising Fast!

WARNING STEEMERS! Deutsche Bank Refuses Clients Demand For Physical Gold

Also read the steemit post from Jeff Berwick posted 7hrs ago 

Deutsche Bank Hangs By A Thread On Eve Of Jubilee

Thank you for reading my post! 

Please remember to follow my steemit posts and predictions @stillsafe

Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser. I do own all the assets mentioned above. Always conduct your own due diligence whenever you invest in anything. All of the above is based on my own analysis & research. There is always a risk when you invest in anything


Thank you for keeping Steemians posted. Silver going up is a two-edged sword. Or you could say bittersweet.

Thank you for the upvote! :)

I heard of it from my friend. He was simply off his chump at the news.

Thank you for the upvote!

Very good article. Good to see I'm not the only one who thinks like this. Investing in cryptos is still a risky thing. We really need more insights in the market and previous investment results (even though they don't deliver any guarantee for the future). Does anyone know about: Amazing opportunities came to light when I started using this coins to analyze cryptos.