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RE: From the moment I was first introduced to Steemit in August 2016, I knew straight away that this was set to be a game-changer on many levels. Since then I have never had a single doubt..!!

You’re right, I totally agree with you. Steemit to me has been a masterpiece. Steemit to me is the future , my future . I can’t start talking about my experiences but steemit has made me a better person , value has been added to my life and I’ve added value to Steemit

Steemit has brought out some in me, a potential that has been building for long inside of me, that’s singing . Steemit has given me the platform to express myself musically and I’ve made songs for people, groups and steemit at large .

Between all of this , Steemit has bridge the financial obstacles and I this is why I see steemit as the future for all. Steemit as a platform for investors, I see Steemit as the number one social platform in the idea of tokenizing the internet.