Introducing the Latest News Feed to the dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ Blogs. As the appetite grows for people wishing to invest in the Cryptocurrency Market, I am looking forward to sharing with you more signals over the next 2 - 3 years and beyond.

Cryptocurrency News: #Investors-Group

Introducing the Latest News feed to the dmamapping Blogs.png

Latest News Feed

Regular readers of my Blog will know that I have recently included the 100 Day Look Back Screen to the #dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ Blogs to help give a better understanding of strength and direction of the signals.

Recently I made a presentation explaining the background of the #dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ System and that what you see is effectively less than 1% of the total outputs available.

A simple snapshot of the System.

Very little appetite

Currently there is very little appetite for people to want to make money in the #Cryptocurrency Market and I fully understand this.

However, I am expecting that this trend will reverse in the next 2-3 years.

The #Cryptocurrency Market is in its infancy and still has a long, long, long way to go.

With such a young Market, I fully understand that there is still a large portion of investors that are sitting on the sidelines waiting to see just what happens.

Pension Funds and Institutional Investors

Recently I shared with you a tweet from John McAfee talking about a tsunami of capital that is expected to hit the #Cryptocurrency Market, as Pension Funds and Institutional Investors take up a position in this fast emerging Market.

This view is also mirrored by my strong belief that this sudden influx of capital is heading into the Market and when it does the results will not only be electric, they will be jaw dropping to watch.

In the meantime, I just wanted to give people the opportunity to see on a regular basis those #Cryptocurrencies that have maintained their bullish positions.

Fundamental and Technical Analysis

Over the last +20 years I have studied both Fundamental and Technical Analysis in a range of Investment Products, including: Stocks, Equities, Bonds and Communities and though I agree with most opinions that you should not mix together Fundamental and Technical Analysis, I do believe that sometimes when you combine the two at a particular point, the results more often than not work to your advantage.

As I develop the Blogs I share on #Steemit, I am pleased to confirm that I will now be adding the Latest News Feed to the #dMAmapping⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗⇗ Blogs which may help understanding a little more of the trigger points.

Earlier I shared with you the latest news for #ZenCash and for those that may have missed it, here is the news..


The next 2 - 3 years

As the appetite grows for people to want to make money in the #Cryptocurrency Market I will begin to share with you more of the outputs from the System and look forward to developing the Blogs with you over the next 2 - 3 years and beyond.

Thanks again for reading.


Promo-Steem hashtag footer banner

Promoting #Steemfair and #Steemfair{-your Country}

Promoting and showcasing #Steem Projects and #Steemit Accounts on the #Steem Blockchain at trade fairs, shows and exhibitions.

Steemfair 4m x 2m Promotional Banner 010518.jpg

#Investors-Group - Cryptocurrency News

Please feel free to use the #Investors-Group tag for: Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities and Investment related Blogs.

The London Cryptocurrency Show Promo-Steem Investors-Group Stephen Kendal Steemit Steem


Please note that the above information is for educational purpose only and is not to be taken as investment advice. Other Cryptocurrencies are available.


Appetite to invest in cryto-currencies is gradually increasing, many are just watching it and testing the waters, once they realize the true potential then tsunami of capital will flow into this crypto space... great initiative @stephenkendal for developing the System for long term News Feed.

Most welcome sir

Crypto is already a success story due to the transparency of block chain. More and more companies are showing the interest on crypto's and block chain is the biggest success soon it will takeover fiat. cryptos doesn't get reward what it deserves now a days as it is becoming popular it will give huge boom to its price. People like you and #promo-steem are doing great work for the promotion of crypto. Keep it up. Eating fruit of your hard work is near. Thanks for sharing @stephenkendal

wawoow thats really a great feature of Latest News Feed in the cryptocurrency blog i really appreciate your work for the development of steemit and i want to say something to you the hero os steemit @stephenkendal that your name will be in the history of cryptocurrency for having such hard working spirit.

sir would you like to see my post for promoting #dtube on #twitter

I'm 100 % agree with you, Crypto is like a newborn baby in the market, but it's amazing to know that this baby is doing great in such a short interval of time. Imagine The we are growing, after 2 or 3 years how high we can go?
Though the market situation is not the way it could, but this is the time Where we can add some bucks in Crypto and Hold for some time, I'm pretty market will rise like it rises in the last December hopefully :)

that will be the best way to keep us updated
apart from promotion,you are making strong efforts for the betterment of steemit.

I certainly hope that something gets going this year @stephenkendal; seems like Steem has been underperforming the market for a while. That, in spite of the fact that it consistently gets super high ratings, both as a token, and as a blockchain. Seems like at SOME point the upwards pressure has to pop, a bit like pressure building in a champagne bottle.

thanks a lot for your kindness @stephenkendal i love promoting to everybody and i will this banner to make my post look lovely.

I get fundamental analysis well, but technical analysis I'm still struggling.
Good to know you'll be giving updates about latest news to #dDMmapping

i think this newsfeed will be extremely helpfull

we will surely used big banner to delete that shitt on social media and it will be a revolution in social media sites as blockchain and steemit are the future of social media and sir @stephenkendal the pride of steemit we are with you in the campighn to delete dirty book or Facebook and we will use thw slogan delete Facebook join steemit sir dont worry you go @stephen we are with you!

Hey, @stephenkendal this is great news for steemit.thanks for sharing this information.

I sent John and many other libertarian celebrities DMs on Twitter asking for a phone call to explain Steemit from an Austrian Economics perspective and invite them to become users, with no solicitstion of investment or whatnot. He called me in less than an hour. He specifically mentioned that he was in talks to acquire a property of one of Steemit's founders. I immediately thought it would be awesome to see BitShares turned into John Mcafee's personal underground stock market ... he refused to name names. Very interesting... Now waiting for Mr. Tucker's call back.

The more stronger group like John McAfee enter the crypto business the more and more will steem rise. It's a great news that big giants are showing trust in crypto currency. I think it's the victory of block chain technology. The way the crypto is getting popular it will certainly damage the fiat. Thanks for sharing @stephenkendal

Tron is very good project. Maintestnet would be launch in may so that we see pump in its price. TRON's stated aim is to construct a global, decentralized, and free content and storage network. The idea is that through TRON, content creators will be able to store and publish content while exercising a high level of control over their content's usage and monetization thanks to the transparency offered by the blockchain.

I get fundamental analysis well, but technical analysis I'm still i want to say something to you the hero os steemit @stephenkendal that your name will be in the history of .

Wow, beautiful update, you always enlightened us to new things. Continue your good work and will follow.

 Thanks great man

The new banner of #deletefacebook and #joinsteemit is awesome. Thanks sir @stephenkendal to permit us to use your banner. We all supporter works with you to fullfill your great mission. Conscious people have already kickoff the wasteful facebook and joinsteemit as a result most recently stesmit reached 1 million users thats awesome. One day we will have billion steemians.

Glad to see you are keeping an eye on Everything that is happening in the Crypto Market, and that's what a good Learner or you can say analyzer should do.

Appetite to invest in cryto-currencies is gradually increasing, many are just watching it and testing the waters, you are making strong efforts for the betterment of steemit.

Thank you so much for share with us Introducing the Latest News Feed to the dMAmapping....

Thanks sir @stephenkendal the newsfeed will be very helpful. Once again thanks for sharing

I think, all we to read and know about the intentions of this great report .... thanks @stephenkendal

totally right post