My thoughts about Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Communication, Leadership

in #iot7 years ago

Hello Steemit Friends,

Here are my original thoughts & understanding about Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Communication, Leadership.

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Free flow of thoughts - Entrepreneurship / Innovation

Entrepreneurship is truly creating new innovation out of the box thinking.

Innovators truly believe in their Caliber & not bothered about masses reaction towards their innovation.

Elements for Innovation

  1. Conceive - New thoughts

  2. Create - Create Ideas

  3. Control - Implement /Rectify /Redo

Success is not a destination; it's a constant journey via up & downs in life.

Key to remember is never losing enthusiasm & stays positive on your own consciousness.


Entrepreneurship & Innovators

E — Electrified approach

N — New possibility

T — Transform Rotten existence

R — Redo — Undo — New approach

E — Excell — Enhance — Ethical

P — Power — Pursue — Passion

R — Restore

E — Energetic — Excellence — Empower

N — Never Gives up

E — Eternal Seeker

U — Update — Upwards — United thoughts

R — Rectify — Recreate — Redo

True Entrepreneurs are the first Observer of their dreams & afterward passionate chasers.


AIM in Entrepreneurship

A — Awaken Arise Adjust

       👇                  👇                 👇

I — Impossible Intuition Intelligence

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M — Moments Motivation Marvellously

The aim is to awaken impossible moments & March from comfort zones to challenges.

Success is a constant chase, not a destiny and the way to awake impossible from within.

Conceive 👉 Create 👉 Control


Wavelength Synchronization

The greatest way to get connected with illuminated beings.

👉 Get connected with thoughts
👉 Empower Original thoughts
👉 Stay Positive, Humble, Human
👉 Acknowledge Powerful thoughts
👉 Born once, Bring the change
👉 Everyone is fighting their own battle, be nice with everyone
👉 Boundaries are just on earth not in heart, think big, uplift Caliber, set a new chase

👉 Process is invisible, Visible are the results
👉 Never Postpone Joy in whatever you do 👉 Everything is already @stake, Respect time



Being an Entrepreneur is more about answering own questions with Curiosity.

It’s the Caliber that makes one eligible, not circumstances.

C — Conceive

A — Awaken

L — Look

I — Intuitively

B — Be Brave

E — Excell Excellent

R — Retrospective

Caliber is invisible yet omnipresent in each & every moment & element.

Brace what is given, Chase what you deserve.

Best Swami Vivekanand quotes pics images pictures (36).jpg

Vision — Decoding the meaning

V — Value Creation via Entrepreneurship

I — Intuitive Intelligent

S — Self Lead approach

I — Innovative approach versus traditional approach

O — Observe Challenges, Solve with detached observations

N — New possibility into infinite infinity

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Self Lead (Leadership)

Entrepreneurship is developing self Leadership & it’s very significantly significant because it’s going to solve many challenges faced in multiple situations.

How to develop self Leadership?

See every challenge as learning

Not afraid of failure, consider it as learning (Never give up)

Conceive — New Ideas

Create — Bring ideas into existence

Control — Process /Results (SOP)

Be flexible to change because change is Inevitable

You are the pilot of your own Airplane

Passion is the fuel that ignites engine.

Always ready for risk because everything is already @stake

Impossible says I M Possible

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How to deliver the message with precision in one go.

C Conceive — Create — Message

O Omni Channels for communication

M Medium — Motive — Moments

M Multi Communication Channels

U Understanding of Audience

N Narrow down the Significance

I Importance — Intuitive — Intelligence

C Coordinate with flow

A Absorb — Acknowledge — Action

T Transmitted — To verify

I Important to understand audience feedback

O Open Line Communication for feedback

N Notice feedback — Stucked — Restart



The most significant element in communication are as follows.

Clearly define Message

Choose easy words while transmitting

Select Channels precisely

Keep Audience in mind

Verify the message is understood correctly

Use graphics, chart, storytelling

It’s responsibility of Creator to Ensure message is defined with right words

Be a good listener, problem solver

Remember your words will create your ultimate impression which will be remembered for long

Body language, signs are very important

Conceive > Create > Control


Significance of Communication

Communication is conveying messages from an originator to the audience via the selected medium.

Message conveyed is first conceived in the mind of creator, decoded & then encoded in possible easiest medium.

Communication is everything for Business /Entrepreneurs /Innovators.

Key components to be taken care

Conceive thoughts, Create messages, Control output

Clearly understand message

Select medium accordingly

Define message with easy words

If possible use images, charts & creative

Transmit message @ right time

Verify thoroughly if audience got the right message

Clear cut communication defines great organizations / Entrepreneurs


Purpose in Entrepreneurship

P — Pursue Passion Seamlessly

U — Undo (Undo some of the learning)

      Get rid of the box. Think new 

R — Root cause analysis of situation

P — Pace-Prospects-Pursue

O — Observe — Obedient — Obey Dreams

S — Self Created Pathos

E — Empower — Enhance — Educate — Escalate

The purpose is significant because what you can deliver must meet the need of masses.

Pursue what gives you happiness & meaning to each & every act.

Self-realization is the best way to know the purpose

Would love to hear everyone’s thoughts & feedback.

If you like please feel free to share/comment.

Note: All Content is written exclusively by me.

Abhishek Shah
[email protected]


A very good article.It sure does inspire people...Upvoted ..Keep up the great content...

Thanks Thalaivaa. Truly appreciated.

Thanks Prasad