The blockchain for your IoT device

in #iot6 years ago


2014 was an interesting year for ruff chain. They realized that there was a gap in IoT devices. The gap was between the hardware and software. There wasn't a standard that unified the development of IoT devices. They started with proposing and developing Ruff OS to fill that gap. The OS was developed in Javascript and is meant to fill the gap mentioned earlier. They were able to develop such an OS after numerous talks with IoT users and creators.

Just like how the internet was able to advance to where it is now through standardization and unification (HTTP, UDP, ...etc) different parties are able to communicate and connect. IoT could achieve the same and RUFF chain has taken the first steps towards that.

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They have been active on various events; recently in 24th May 2018 they attended and showcased at the blockchain festival in Vietnam to more than 1500 visitors where many investors showed up; followed by the Tsinghua University Blockchain Industry Innovation Summit that was held in Beijing and Roy the founder gave another speech under the title “How to realize enterprise level application of IoT”. They are active in creating exposure and showcasing to wider audience. Which begets the exchange listing. They were listed earlier this year and are currently trading on various big exchange like Gate and Huobi.

Before we proceed on what makes ruff chain let us explore the problem that made such a solution come to life. Recall earlier we said that ruff chain is meant to fill the gap between hardware and software for IoT but what is that mean?


IoT devices as we know them represent any device that connects to the internet. The term came to life in the 90s. Ever since and IoT are in constant progression however they still lack in some dimensions starting with data.

As with any system data is always in its core. However with IoT data is quite costly; Acquiring data off those devices usually require a cost overhead/investment in proper infrastructure to handle, manage and maintain the data. Imagine having to invest in servers to handle the data coming off those devices? it is a real pain. With the blockchain that is actually not a concern given you have multiple nodes within the network doing the work rather than a single centralized server(s) somewhere.

The other problem that exist with IoT is the security; heard of Mirai botnet attack (Dyn attack?), No? That was the largest DDos attack launched using only IoT botnet. There are many other attacks like the Owlet Wifi Baby hear Monitor case and many other examples.

I believe you also heard of Snowden? I bet you did. We have seen how IoT devices were used to tap into calls and web cams; being centralized can never guarantee privacy and security of the data collected hence the need for decentralization.

Ruff Chain solves those two pains by default by going with the blockchain as that is the nature of blockchains. Ruff Chain adds a layer to that which is customized development using Javascript over the blockchain.

So now manufacturers or suppliers can develop IoT applications over the blockchain and use the Ruff OS to function the hardware; collectively filling the gap between hardware and software.

Their progression goes beyond the development of the echo system. They have actually partnered with Schneider and WPG Holdings limited, the latter are actually cooperating for RUFF in chips. There are also many other partners which you can read more about in the whitepaper.


Unlike bitcoin and ethereum where there are mainly a main node and a light node Ruff Chain consist of four nodes: Light Node, Full Node, Representative Node and a Control node. The light node does not do any storage operations; it is focused on verification and authentication of input streams coming off the internet. Full Nodes do most processing in that they do operations meant for storage; these nodes are the recording nodes and control Representative nodes. Representative nodes are responsible for ensuring that blocks conform the network rules. The Control nodes have the computing power and they handle headers storage and authentication. These nodes are operated using the token RUFF.

It is interesting concept and implementation; I know you are probably curious to know more; here is where you can get more details:



Great post, you gave a detailed information about IoT and ruffchains role in it.

Yeah, was a fantastic run down on the project, certainly seems like one to watch.

Nicely written article, great to see Ruffchain is getting the recongition it deserves with more and more articles.

Ruffchain has been operational since 2014 that's really awesome and their ruff OS is a sign of hardwork

Yeah it feels like its been a while since I've heard anything about Ruffchain, but over the last couple of weeks there has been a lot more publications and articles about their project, which is great for exposure.

Yeah, I've come across a few articles as well. Their marketing team are doing a fine job.

Yes, this is 3rd or 4th article I am reading in last couple of weeks. Its very good from Ruffchain team that they are focusing now on Marketing as well.

They definitely needed to gain some exposure and I think they are reaching out to new investors through these articles.

Very nice article. It's good that RuffChain divides node into 4 different category Light Node, Full Node, Representative Node and a Control node depend on the fuction or chracterstics of the nodes

It's a good breakdown of what the project entails. Really informative post. Thanks for this.

Yep posts like this go a long way to informing and educating potential investors to understand why they stand a chance of being such a big market maker

I agree. This is very nice article. It will be very nice to see how IoT will work once standard for communication is in place.

Anything that can help with security on the internet is a good thing! Interesting using the blockchain

Blockchain is playing a major role in bringing security into our technology advanced world. It is beginning to serve as a standard.

Nice article, you just gave a succinct definition to this project and i hope to see the OS been used by many in the nearest future

Yea friend. That's the ultimate goal of every project to see it been put to full use. I hope they get many users

I learnt one could build his/her IoT infrastructure using the Ruffchain ecosystem....
I think this add to the sustainability of the project

Nice writeup... Great detailed illustrations of iot and ruff chain role in the industry.

Very nice article. And Its amazing to see how blockchain technology will help IoT network with saving some infrastructure cost

ITC will be a huge infrastructure saver! Realming as many rewards as possible due to the decentralized blockchain utilization

IoT is just going to become bigger and bigger as we go on, great to see them taking this into the blockchain environment.

Yea, the possibilities are limitless and wise brands are exploring this at its early stage, Ruff is taking the right steps, in the right direction

4 different nodes! light, full, representative and control node
I did not know that yet, very interesting. thanks for this information

Thanks for this article. I feel like the four nodes system (Light Node, Full Node, Representative Node and a Control node) will become the standard for blockchain IoT networks.

Yep got to agree these kind of setups represent the entire situation and diversity a lot better than the old setup we were seeing before

Today's IoT architecture is centralized connection of all devices through cloud servers. This causes huge processing and storage load which is the main problem of present setups I think.

The article gave a run through as to how IOT came to fore as well as founder Roy venture and creation of Ruffchain, interesting read there

I enjoyed reading this article also, it gave me more understanding about ruffchain project.

Yep they summed it up well iot is such a massive new development a lot of people still don’t even understand the sheer scope it’s like an entire new ecosystem of development we will have to deal with longterm bigger than any ever before