Fellow Cryptonauts,
Iota dropped their beta Trinity Wallet for both ios and android. They also announced that a desktop version is in the works... 🤤
For the purpose of this article, I will be creating my wallet with my iphone. Go to the App Store, download the app "TESTFLIGHT".
Then, go to https://trinity.iota.org/ and hit the "testflight button"
Now, you should see this screen:
Alright! Put in your first name, last name and email. In my case, I would put Captain Crypto and an email I will be able to access.
After signing up, sign into your email, and click this:
As soon as you hit "View in TestFlight", you should see the the main interface. Go back out to the home on your phone and you'll notice that the trinity wallet is now an app with the iota symbol on it.
Log in, create your password, CREATE A NEW SEED. After that, you'll get a 9 x 9 crossword puzzle looking thing that's filled with LETTERS AND NUMBERS.
That's actually really important so write it down exactly as instructed
Do this for all 81 letters & numbers. As you type out your seed, you should read it left to right, moving down one row at a time. So the above letters when put together should be: NATEDOGISCAPTAINCRYPTOHAHAH *should be 81 characters long
You will next be prompted to type your 81 character seed back into the app to enter (this gets really annoying if you didn't write it down correctly). Once you've entered the seed CONGRATS!
You are now in the user interface.
Explore a bit! Play around with all the options. If you want to send or receive, its easy; Press "receive" and you should see this..
Press that button; It should now generate an address for you:
Now copy and paste that to your friends! If you want to send us iota, do it! I'll send some back. I think it'll be fun to shoot uber fast transactions back and forth for the good of humanity and technological advancement. Cause being a
digital lab rat aint bad..
Modern Digital Lab Rat:
Alright, that's it! I hope this was easy for you guys. Until then, see you next time! Remember, HODL, SECURE YOUR CRYPTO, and may Satoshi and Vitalik be with you, always. Hope this helped you guys as a tutorial to use the Trinity Wallet Beta Version.
Thanks for reading!
Our Director, G.io asked me to start writing "how-to" tutorials so we can make more videos for new recruits in the crypto space. I wrote this tutorial publicly as proof-of-brain AKA proof-of-human-work as stated in the Steem Whitepaper and Bluepaper. Video coming soon.
Until Next Time,
- Capt. Crypto
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