Interviewing David Sønstebø Founder of IOTA this Sunday! Write your questions guys!

in #iota7 years ago

Interviewing David Snstebo Founder of #IOTA on Sunday LIVE! Write your own questions under this tweet guys! IOTA, @lightning Network, #Crypto Bubble are some topics I myself would like to discuss with David. Going to be deep, philisophical and technical!


Can you ask him why he thought it was necessary to sabotage their open source code?

in what way do you mean?

Thanks for responding!

They purposefully put flaws in their open source code to protect against people copying them. This is a big reason why some people don't trust them since it goes against the whole principle of open source.

Here is an article about it written by Ethereum Dev Nick Johnson.

I want to know his thought process as to why the ITOA team thought this was necessary.

They didn't sabotage anything, It is a way to protect the project and investors, they just made it difficult to create scammy clones of IOTA that would endagner the environment. The Tangle is a completely new tech and it must be protected, there are already too many clones of other cryptos violating the GPL license, I personally don't want more chinese clones but less.

That totally goes against the reasons we make code open source. The idea is to build on it and progress from everyone's work and input. How do you think all the other blockchain projects were able to progress so fast? If Bitcoin wasn't open source, everyone would still be trying to figure out how to replicate it instead of building on it making it better.

Did you see what is happening right now in the crypto world? 90% of the coins listed on CoinMarketCap are copy paste of Bitcoin with some makeup, a colorful logo, and bunch of celebrities as advisors only to justify the speculation and to deceive people into buying something with no substance at all.
That is against the idea of common sense and legality and not only endangers investors lured into speculative pump and dump scams, but also drives money in the wrong projects and that goes AGAINST innovation and against the evolution of the few healthy projects there are.
Open source is not the holy grail and it is not automatically the best solution, it needs some adjustments to work in a real world founded on greed. The world is not just theory like you picture it.

Alright excellent points, but then I must ask why did they make any of their code open source?

I know it is not a priority of the tech itself and its purposes but I want to ask if they plan to make the whole wallet experience a little bit more user friendly.
At the moment the wallet is a bit hard to manage for the average user and that creates unjustified panic sometimes.

where do you see iota and the tangle in 1 year from now?
how deep is the partnership with Bosch? the Bosch Ama on reddit didnt give very much information on this.
what are the next steps the iota foundation plans to do?
are there anymore partnerships as those who are already revealed?
what can a single one do, to be a meaningful part in the symbiosis between xdk and the tangle?
what are the biggest problems regarding the development of the tangle at the moment?
which real word use cases do you see within the next 2 years?
and by far the most important question? how could you bring up such a good thing like iota/tangle ;)

btw iam no native speaker so be forgiving :)

I think questions of scale are important. If IOTA continues to be a major player, how does IOTA plan to scale with its growing user base?

What is relationship with if any?


A competitor or some form of symbiotic relationship?

If no relationship, Credits may be worth monitoring / investing. They appear to be very ambitous with ICO on 1 Feb and MVP developed.