If you follow any tech-news mediums, you would be sure to know that CES-time has just been and gone, complete with more Orwellian robots and cars with every bell and whistle they could cram into a vehicle that also has the added bonus of transporting you.
Escaping word count filler, Intel was proudly displaying its new quantum processors that it has under development. While no ordinary-Joe with the capability of slotting a thing into a thing has the need for this kind of power, IOTA's claim of being "quantum-proof" could become a feasible selling point.
Intel is posing as if enterprise quantum processing is around the corner, which in the wrong hands could destroy all run-of-the-mill blockchains.
The IOTA price doesn't seem to be influenced by this sort of announcement now, but, theoretically, the writting is on the theoretical wall.
In other news, here is LinusTechTip's coverage of Intel's new processor prototype. It's relevant I guess.