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RE: IOTA under critical assessment, new discoveries?

in #iota7 years ago

yeah coordinator is a must at the moment, as a training tool, it is used to boost network, because atm network doesn't have a lot of nodes, so it can not function properly. Here is a statement regarding the issue from David Sonstebo: "You don’t take the kid, put him on the bike for the first time, fuck the helmet and everything and put him on the steepest hill. Even though the intention is to learn him how to ride a bike, you just don’t do that. You put him on the bike, you put on training wheels, you give him helmet, you teach him how to be balanced and coordinated and wait untill kid evolves before you take away training wheels and helmet!"
I am a big fan of David Sonstebo, I think team behind IOTA is rock solid, but they do have a very futuristic vision, a lot of ppl dont realize that.


Public is evaluating IOTA like they have a working product, they dont, their goal is to conquer IoT, market worth trilions of dollars, to do that you need more time than 2-3 years...if they manage to achieve that 2/10 times my investment still has really good EV (expected value).

100% agree with what you say, IOTA is not in production phase, and Dom Schiener has stressed this several times, saying he is "hoping to reach production by the end of the year", still many analysist pretend otherwise and as if there wasn't a roadmap up still to cover.
Nevertheless, the info about the historical transactions is something i dont like to hear ( i always thougt a snapshot would also make accessible all past transaction, which not seems to be the case), with billions of dollars invested that should be covered better imo, if in fact true.