@lopa When I read comments like yours, I don't know whether to be upset or sympathetic over your poor mindset. Since you clearly haven't taken the time to study and understand his FREE tutorials based on widely accepted science and research, I advice you to do so before you attempt to discredit such a brilliant mind. What you have deemed guessing is actually an educated, science based, probability/predictions. @Haejin is not a higher power and there is nothing absolute, which is why any normal person would understand that his predictions can never be 100% correct every single time, since they are based on educated probability and all financial decisions should be made with this in mind. @Haejin, however, is kind enough to share his 20-30 years of experience to try and shed some light for his followers rather than keeping them in the dark. If you are annoyed by his teachings, no one is forcing you to stay. Stop acting like a little child, take responsibility for your own content consumption, and move on rather than spreading hate and negativity over something you have clearly done little to no research on. You are the last person we want to read comments from here. Thank you.
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Couldn't have said it any better skinnycat..it's just idiot trolls that are butt hurt because everyone is visiting haejin's page more than theirs..i know multiple people that have made hundreds of thousands of dollars due to haejin's calls..and the crazy thing about it is he acutally brought major attention to Steemit , but instead the community decides to scare everyone from using this platform because of it's unprofessional childish reactions...it's really funny to watch
@swawnster , judging from your blog, looks you are one of those blind followers as well who think they know TA just by looking at someone else doing it. Only resteeming this BS. You are smarter than this.
How can you judge my success just on this site moron...I've traded since 1995 in the equities markets and futures and have done very well..haejin is one of the best EW analysts i've seen besides 2 other friends of mine which love his work as well and can see that he knows what he is doing..move on dude..you're just trying to get under everyone's skin...not working
What are you talking about douche bag..i never mentioned or bad mouthed your blog..are you making this shit up
Ok..first off...i said you know nothing about haejins strategy using EW and TA and you clearly think that every investor or analyst has to have 100% accuracy which is asinine....you also never took the time (because you are a trolling cry baby child) to watch and read his past calls ..i never once downvoted or insulted your blog...so which is it..i think you are the child that needs to go back to school and learn how to read..i could care less if you aren't scared...let me point out that you were the one that called me a tough guy behind the keyboard...where i grew up this is a threat and a call out which gets your head knocked off..so get your facts straight before you make yourself look like a MORON and write stupid stuff like this
No idiot..these hundreds of thousands were made by recommendations of coins that were being called done-gone-kaput...and it took many weeks in fact months of laddering in to make these incredible gains..nice try douche..move on
It's funny you resort to a few calls from 2 weeks ago when he has been dead on for tons of calls..you are making yourself look more and more foolish each and every response you make.Yes i call you names because i've got a big 6"5 260 weighted fist ready to come from behind the keyboard..nobody is hiding anywhere friend...move on little man
It's so funny how all of his followers pretend like he is a god and because of his TA, you all think you know the ins and outs of TA, especially you @skinnycat. I looked at your profile, 2 posts, both asking how your TA is on two different graphs... It really makes me laugh because you are claiming that I need to study TA whilst you don't know anything about yourself. And on top of that, mss. @skinnycat, I've been studying financial engineering at the University of Gent for almost 3 years now. So you better reconsider your claims and go to work yourself. Looks like you are one of those naive followers that think they know everything by watching videos and other guys drawing patterns you just blindly copy. Do you even know who Elliot, Fibonacci, Gann, Wyckoff, McClellan, ... are?? What their concepts and principles stand for, where, when, why and how they are used? No, I bet you don't, so don't act like you are an expert because you are not. And I'm not one either but I'm sure far more educated on the subject. And it does actually matter because he is ruining the whole crypto community in steemit by depleting the reward pool with posts that are not even worth 10 bucks, filled with BS. But I'm not gonna go deeper into that because you probably won't understand anyway.
He has said many times in this training videos and posts that he is not perfect and not all of his calls will be right, to use due diligence, diversify, and keep cash on hand..you're just looking foolish trying to smear his truly generous posts he has shared..move on troll
@shawnster.. This lopa guy is a broke 18year old college student who started investing in crypto this week with xrp! Checkout his blog it’s quite funny actually and sad. Broke-ass, bad attitude and dumb as a nail it’s the trifecta right there. These morons are actually lecturing millionaires what to do
Oh my god kelso...lol...good stuff...after i sat back and thought about this, it's really suspicious that these people are coming out of the woodwork when the market crashes and the shit with bernie..this is clearly a smear campaign filled with amateurs and it looks like some are failing to keep their word on the agreement..doesn't surprise me in the least...cheers friend
You obviously are not a good investor or trader then..you really need to move along
So true. Many were saying the same thing. Instead of posting his kaboom!!!!! Stuff multiple times a day had he understood what was happening he would have suggested caution and holding powder. Either he saw what was coming and said nothing or he didn’t. As of right now he has been 100% weong
He did suggest this in multiple videos the last few weeks smart guy...get out of here troll
He is an advertiser of his knowledge. So, he choose to publish only the kaboom stuff that looks nice and avoid the downs.