Apple's iPhone is a revolutionary device that has helped change the concept of what a personal phone can be in the world. Rather than simply a way to communicate by phone or text, these "smartphones" have created a new app ecosystem that has become the major gateway to information and social experiences for many, many people.
What sort of changes has this simple shift in thinking brought about? Here are the most cited publications exploring the range of effects the Apple iPhone has had on the world economy, the sense of identity, and novel uses including medical advancements such as stroke prevention to distributed computing as grid resources.
- "Accuracy of iPhone locations: A comparison of assisted GPS, WiFi and cellular positioning". PA Zandbergen. 2009. Wiley Online Library Transactions in GIS. 393 cites.
- "iPhone apps for smoking cessation: a content analysis". LC Abroms, N Padmanabhan, L Thaweethai…. 2011. Elsevier American journal of …. 374 cites.
- "Browsing as the killer app: Explaining the rapid success of Apple's iPhone". J West, M Mace. 2010. Elsevier Telecommunications Policy. 341 cites.
- "CO2calc: A user-friendly seawater carbon calculator for Windows, Mac OS X, and iOS (iPhone)". LL Robbins, ME Hansen, JA Kleypas, SC Meylan. 2010. . 304 cites.
- "'It's on my iPhone': attitudes to the use of mobile computing devices in medical education, a mixed-methods study". S Wallace, M Clark, J White. 2012. BMJ open. 246 cites.
- "How the iPhone widens the United States trade deficit with the People's Republic of China". Y Xing, N Detert. 2010. . 235 cites.
- "Feasibility and cost-effectiveness of stroke prevention through community screening for atrial fibrillation using iPhone ECG in pharmacies". N Lowres, L Neubeck, G Salkeld, I Krass…. 2014. Thrombosis and …. 216 cites.
- "Capturing value in Global Networks: Apple's iPad and iPhone". KL Kraemer, G Linden…. 2011. University of California …. 194 cites.
- "How the US lost out on iPhone work". C Duhigg, K Bradsher. 2012. The New York Times. 191 cites.
- "The iPhone effect: the quality of in-person social interactions in the presence of mobile devices". S Misra, L Cheng, J Genevie…. 2016. Environment and …. 166 cites.
- "A novel application for the detection of an irregular pulse using an iPhone 4S in patients with atrial fibrillation". DD McManus, J Lee, O Maitas, N Esa, R Pidikiti…. 2013. Elsevier Heart Rhythm. 158 cites.
- "iPhone ECG application for community screening to detect silent atrial fibrillation: a novel technology to prevent stroke". CD Galloway, DE Albert…. 2013. International …. 157 cites.
- "Development and testing of a multidimensional iPhone pain assessment application for adolescents with cancer". JN Stinson, LA Jibb, C Nguyen, PC Nathan…. 2013. Journal of medical …. 151 cites.
- "The extended iSelf: The impact of iPhone separation on cognition, emotion, and physiology". RB Clayton, G Leshner…. 2015. Wiley Online Library Journal of Computer …. 144 cites.
- "(sp) iPhone: decoding vibrations from nearby keyboards using mobile phone accelerometers". P Marquardt, A Verma, H Carter, P Traynor. 2011. Proceedings of the 18th …. 142 cites.
- "Pro smartphone cross-platform development: iPhone, blackberry, windows mobile and android development and distribution". S Allen, V Graupera, L Lundrigan. 2010. . 142 cites.
- "Atrial fibrillation detection using an iPhone 4S". J Lee, BA Reyes, DD McManus…. 2013. IEEE Transactions on …. 141 cites.
- "The uses of the iPhone for surgeons". BM Dala-Ali, MA Lloyd, Y Al-Abed. 2011. Elsevier The surgeon. 132 cites.
- "Beginning iPhone 3 Development". D Mark, M Dalrymple, J LaMarche. 2009. Springer . 132 cites.
- "Evaluation of learning outcomes using an educational iPhone game vs. traditional game". D Furió, S GonzáLez-Gancedo, MC Juan, I Seguí…. 2013. Elsevier Computers & …. 132 cites.
- "Adapting the mobile phone: The iPhone and its consumption". G Goggin. 2009. Taylor & Francis Continuum. 126 cites.
- "Review and evaluation of mindfulness-based iPhone apps". M Mani, DJ Kavanagh, L Hides…. 2015. JMIR mHealth and …. 124 cites.
- "TimeTree2: species divergence times on the iPhone". S Kumar, SB Hedges. 2011. Bioinformatics. 112 cites.
- "Implementation of an iPhone for characterizing Parkinson's disease tremor through a wireless accelerometer application". R LeMoyne, T Mastroianni, M Cozza…. 2010. … in Medicine and …. 106 cites.
- "ilearn on the iphone: Real-time human activity classification on commodity mobile phones". T Saponas, J Lester, J Froehlich, J Fogarty…. 2008. … of Washington CSE …. 105 cites.
- "How the iPhone works". TV Wilson, W Fenlon. 2007. Retrieved from: on Apr. 94 cites.
- "What factors contributed to the success of Apple's iPhone?". J Laugesen, Y Yuan. 2010. Mobile Business and 2010 Ninth Global …. 91 cites.
- "The iPhone Meets the Fourth Amendment". AM Gershowitz. 2008. HeinOnline UCLA L. Rev.. 89 cites.
- "The validity and reliability of an iPhone app for measuring vertical jump performance". C Balsalobre-Fernández, M Glaister…. 2015. Taylor & Francis Journal of Sports …. 88 cites.
- "An analysis of the ikee. b iphone botnet". P Porras, H Saidi, V Yegneswaran. 2010. Springer … Conference on Security and Privacy in …. 87 cites.
- "Social behavior and brand devotion among iPhone innovators". ELJM Arruda-Filho, JA Cabusas, N Dholakia. 2010. Elsevier International journal of …. 87 cites.
- "Tapworthy: Designing great iPhone apps". J Clark. 2010. . 87 cites.
- "Open innovation, generativity and the supplier as peer: the case of iphone and android". B Remneland-Wikhamn, JAN Ljungberg…. 2011. World Scientific … Journal of Innovation …. 86 cites.
- "Shapewriter on the iphone: from the laboratory to the real world". S Zhai, PO Kristensson, P Gong, M Greiner…. 2009. CHI'09 Extended …. 84 cites.
- "iPhone in vivo: video analysis of mobile device use". B Brown, M McGregor, E Laurier. 2013. … of the SIGCHI conference on Human …. 83 cites.
- "Evolution of data management tools for managing self-monitoring of blood glucose results: a survey of iPhone applications". A Rao, P Hou, T Golnik, J Flaherty…. 2010. Journal of diabetes …. 80 cites.
- "iPhone forensics: recovering evidence, personal data, and corporate assets". J Zdziarski. 2008. . 80 cites.
- "Studying mobile media: Cultural technologies, mobile communication, and the iPhone". L Hjorth, J Burgess, I Richardson. 2012. . 80 cites.
- "Experiences obtained with integration of student response systems for iPod Touch and iPhone into e-learning environments.". J Stav, K Nielsen, G Hansen-Nygard, T Thorseth. 2010. ERIC Electronic Journal of e …. 79 cites.
- "Using Multi-Network Meebo Chat Service on Your iPhone". D Chartier. 2007. available at, Jul. 79 cites.
- "Infectious diseases resources for the iPhone". RL Oehler, K Smith, JF Toney. 2010. Clinical infectious diseases. 78 cites.
- "Random network coding on the iPhone: fact or fiction?". H Shojania, B Li. 2009. Proceedings of the 18th international workshop on …. 78 cites.
- "Critical methods and user generated content: the iPhone on YouTube". M Blythe, P Cairns. 2009. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human …. 78 cites.
- "Computer display with an iPhone window". J Giordano III. 1998. US Patent D398,298. 76 cites.
- "iOS Forensic Analysis: for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch". S Morrissey, T Campbell. 2011. . 75 cites.
- "Initial experience with a handheld device digital imaging and communications in medicine viewer: OsiriX mobile on the iPhone". AF Choudhri, MG Radvany. 2011. Springer Journal of Digital Imaging. 74 cites.
- "iPhone privacy". N Seriot. 2010. Black Hat DC. 73 cites.
- "Reliability and criterion validity of two applications of the iPhone™ to measure cervical range of motion in healthy participants". Y Tousignant-Laflamme…. 2013. Journal of …. 73 cites.
- "Exploring iPhone usage: the influence of socioeconomic differences on smartphone adoption, usage and usability". A Rahmati, C Tossell, C Shepard, P Kortum…. 2012. Proceedings of the 14th …. 73 cites.
- "Implementation of an iPhone as a wireless accelerometer for quantifying gait characteristics". R LeMoyne, T Mastroianni, M Cozza…. 2010. … in Medicine and …. 71 cites.
- "Before iPhone and Android came Simon, the first smartphone". I Sager. 2012. Bloomberg Businessweek. 71 cites.
- "Use of the iPhone for Cobb angle measurement in scoliosis". M Shaw, CJ Adam, MT Izatt, P Licina, GN Askin. 2012. Springer European Spine Journal. 70 cites.
- "Palringo Brings Picture Messaging to Iphone". D Moren. . . 70 cites.
- "iPhone and iOS forensics: Investigation, analysis and mobile security for Apple iPhone, iPad and iOS devices". A Hoog, K Strzempka. 2011. . 70 cites.
- "Invention of the year: The iPhone". L Grossman. 2007. Time Magazine Online. 69 cites.
- "How the iPhone became divine: new media, religion and the intertextual circulation of meaning". HA Campbell, AC La Pastina. 2010. New Media & Society. 66 cites.
- "Mobile as 7th of the Mass Media: Cellphone, cameraphone, iPhone, smartphone". TT Ahonen. 2008. Futuretext . 65 cites.
- "Survey of iPhone usage among anaesthetists in England". KB Dasari, SM White, J Pateman. 2011. Wiley Online Library Anaesthesia. 63 cites.
- "iPod, iPhone, and now iPad: The evolution of multimedia access in a mobile teaching context". N Ostashewski, D Reid. 2010. EdMedia: World Conference on …. 63 cites.
- "Always on: how the iPhone unlocked the anything-anytime-anywhere future--and locked us in". BX Chen. 2011. . 63 cites.
- "Using the iPhone as a device for a rapid quantitative analysis of trinitrotoluene in soil". A Choodum, P Kanatharana, W Wongniramaikul…. 2013. Elsevier Talanta. 62 cites.
- "Predicting mode of transport from iphone accelerometer data". B Nham, K Siangliulue, S Yeung. 2008. Machine Learning Final …. 61 cites.
- "You love your iPhone. Literally". M Lindstrom. 2011. New York Times. 60 cites.
- "Biometric authentication on iphone and android: Usability, perceptions, and influences on adoption". R Bhagavatula, B Ur, K Iacovino, SM Kywe, LF Cranor…. 2015. . 60 cites.
- "Rapid tremor frequency assessment with the iPhone accelerometer". RA Joundi, JS Brittain, N Jenkinson, AL Green…. 2011. Elsevier Parkinsonism & related …. 58 cites.
- "iPhone 3GS forensics: Logical analysis using apple iTunes backup utility". M Bader, I Baggili. 2010. . 58 cites.
- "Apple unveils iPhone". M Honan. 2007. Macworld. 57 cites.
- "Peer influence in the diffusion of the iPhone 3G over a large social network". M Godinho de Matos, P Ferreira, D Krackhardt. 2014. . 57 cites.
- "Moving data: The iPhone and the future of media". P Snickars, P Vonderau. 2012. . 57 cites.
- "Metodología de desarrollo ágil para sistemas móviles. Introducción al desarrollo con Android y el iPhone". P Blanco, J Camarero, A Fumero…. 2009. Dr. en Ing. Sist …. 55 cites.
- "Characteristics and mobile Internet use intensity of consumers with different types of advanced handsets: An exploratory empirical study of iPhone, Android and other …". TJ Gerpott, S Thomas, M Weichert. 2013. Elsevier Telecommunications Policy. 54 cites.
- "The reliability and concurrent validity of measurements used to quantify lumbar spine mobility: an analysis of an iphone® application and gravity based …". MJ Kolber, M Pizzini, A Robinson, D Yanez…. 2013. … journal of sports …. 53 cites.
- "Between image and information: The iPhone camera in the history of photography". C Chesher. 2012. Studying Mobile Media. 53 cites.
- "Building iPhone apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Making app store apps without Objective-C or Cocoa". J Stark. 2010. . 53 cites.
- "Nonmydriatic digital ocular fundus photography on the iPhone 3G: the FOTO-ED study". C Lamirel, BB Bruce, DW Wright…. 2012. Archives of …. 52 cites.
- "Remote assessment of stroke using the iPhone 4". ER Anderson, B Smith, M Ido, M Frankel. 2013. Elsevier Journal of Stroke and …. 52 cites.
- "Contenidos informativos para móviles: estudio de aplicaciones para iPhone". JMM Canavilhas. 2009. Textual & visual media. 52 cites.
- "Synchronized multimedia streaming on the iphone platform with network coding". P Vingelmann, FHP Fitzek…. 2011. IEEE …. 51 cites.
- "Richard Solo Backup Battery for iPhone/iPod Review". D Rees. 2008. dated Jun. 51 cites.
- "Mybat External Battery for iPhone and iPod". S Rafferty. 2008. dated May. 51 cites.
- "Kensington Mini Battery Pack and Charger for iPhone and iPod". J Horwitz. 2008. dated May. 51 cites.
- "100 days of iPhone use: understanding the details of mobile device use". B Brown, M McGregor, D McMillan. 2014. Proceedings of the 16th international …. 51 cites.
- "The business of iPhone and iPad App development". D Wooldridge, M Schneider. 2011. Springer Making and Marketing Apps that Succeed …. 51 cites.
- "Memories, memory studies and my iPhone". AJ Barnier. 2010. . 50 cites.
- "The untold story: how the iPhone blew up the wireless industry". F Vogelstein. 2008. Wired Magazine. 50 cites.
- "Combination iPhone battery pack and flash from FastMac". D Coldewey. 2008. dated Nov. 50 cites.
- "Entrepreneurial innovation: Killer apps in the iPhone ecosystem". PL Yin, JP Davis, Y Muzyrya. 2014. American Economic Review. 47 cites.
- "iBluetooth Lets iPhone Users Send and Receive Files Over Bluetooth". J Chen. 2009. Mar. 47 cites.
- "Research in the app store era: Experiences from the cenceme app deployment on the iphone". E Miluzzo, ND Lane, H Lu…. 2010. First Workshop on …. 46 cites.
- "The iPhone moment, the Apple brand, and the creative consumer: From “hackability and usability” to Cultural Generativity". J Burgess. 2012. Studying Mobile Media. 46 cites.
- "Designing the iPhone user experience: a user-centered approach to sketching and prototyping iPhone apps". S Ginsburg. 2010. . 46 cites.
- "The iPhone and mobile access to the internet". R Ling, PR Sundsøy. 2009. ICA pre-conference on mobile …. 45 cites.
- "Praise for The iPhone Developer's Cookbook". D Pasco. 2009. . 45 cites.
- "Programming the Mobile Web: Reaching Users on iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, and more". M Firtman. 2013. . 45 cites.
- "Native iPhone MMS Application Released". IP Hacks. 2007. available at, retrieved on Dec. 43 cites.
- "Skin scan: a demonstration of the need for FDA regulation of medical apps on iPhone". NA Ferrero, DS Morrell, CN Burkhart. 2013. Journal of the American …. 43 cites.
- "iPhone photography: Mediating visions of social space". D Palmer. 2012. Studying Mobile Media. 43 cites.
- "The impact of the iPad and iPhone on education". GV Ireland, M Woollerton. 2010. Citeseer … of Bunkyo Gakuin University Department of …. 43 cites.
- "Potential iPhone Usability and Interface Improvements". S Oliver. 2008. Retrieved from: on Nov. 43 cites.
- "Exploring mobile devices as Grid resources: Using an x86 virtual machine to run BOINC on an iPhone". M Black, W Edgar. 2009. Grid Computing, 2009 10th IEEE/ACM …. 42 cites.
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