Apple sets eye on Indian Market

in #iphone5 years ago

Apple manufacturer of the expensive iPhone has made a big announcement thatch giant has said that it will open its first brick-and-mortar retail store in India in 2021 Apple is famous for its experiential retail stores across the world and Tim Cook the CEO of Apple hashish eyes set firmly on the Indian market now our next report tells you more ways1.3 pounds in 2001 former Apple CEO Steve Jobs changed the landscape of smartphone retail would barricade we built in front of our first retail store he launched the first retail store to showcase Apple's technologies in a smallmall in suburban America this Apple retail store wasn't a simple brick-and-mortar establishment it was an experience on where users could learnhow to use apple's gadgets which arepriced significantly higher than thecompetition and today Apple has morethan 500 retail stores worldwide butgoal are the colorful carpets and thecurved tables almost 19 years later theApple stores have a more modernaesthetic but one factor which hasn'tchanged is the long queue of Appleloyalists spotted outside each storebefore an iPhone launch[Applause]and now India is Apple's nextdestination for its retail stores foralmost a decadeApple has solely relied on third-partymerchants to sell its pricey offeringsthe iPhone the iPad and the Apple watchbeing immensely popular Apple CEO TimCook told investors that the companywill set up its flagshipbrick-and-mortar store in India nextyear Cook made the announcement at ashareholder meeting this week addingthat Apple will also open its firstonline store in India this announcementis well timed India is the world'ssecond largest smartphone market withChina being number oneApple's Tim Cook has acknowledged thegrowth opportunity for Apple withinIndia it is important to note that whileIndia's smartphone consumption is high amajority of people cannot afford Apple'sproducts the cheapest iPhone among thenew iPhone range for instance is pricedhigh at around 65 thousand rupees ormore than $900 another challenge forApple is a heavy important duty that NewDelhi levies on electronic goodsthis makes iPhones in India even moreexpensive as Apple passes on the addedcost to its buyers Apple adopted a newstrategy there on it started assemblingsome of its smart phones in IndiaApple's contractors Foxconn and WestIran assemble its products in Indiawhich has lowered prices of some of itsmodels this move has worked for Appleresearch firm canal is estimated thatApple shipped close to nine hundred andtwenty-five thousand iPhones to India bylate 2019 this was Apple's best here inIndia to date tech analysts also believethat Apple has now become moreaggressive with prices to compete in amarket dominated by Android phones soyes Apple's famous exponential storewill be coming to India in 2021 theexact location of the Apple store inIndia is yet to be announced so willIndians queue up in 2021 to buy applesnext flagship iPhones at Apple's newflagship store bureau report we on worldis one
