Mumbai, after losing their opening match of the IPL to Hyderabad by 118 runs, could not even win the match. Rather, the city of shame in its own city is to be rewarded. Mumbai's all-round total of 87 runs As a result, Sakibra won by 31 runs with little capital.
With regard to Mostafiz, Rohit said, "The fault is our batsmen. 118 runs on any wicket, we can do the chase. We could not play according to our capabilities. But the way our bowlers have bowled, I am very happy, they did their job remarkably well. But once again the batsmen disappointed us.
Mumbai captain Rohit Sharma has taken all the blame on his shoulders after match-fixing. Although frustrated by the batsmen's poor batting, Rohit has praised the bowling of Mostafizad.
Mumbai ipl plays very well.
Yes,Mumbai ipl plays very well.