in #iplay7 years ago

It was a day just like any another, the sun shining peacefully in the sky and not even a cloud in sight, today I’m going to get reunited with my best friends; Mart and Jack. Mart is the kind of guy who is always wild and defiant basically he is the group wildcard, always making troubles and having fun in the process. Jack on the other hand is somewhat timid but incredibly funny, sometimes he can be very stubborn and dead serious when engage in a discussion and he is like the big brother watching for us but he always fails in a comedic way.

-Ey dude come over here- that is Jack calling me to the table of our favorite restaurant. -dude I´ve an hour waiting for you and Mart, be more considerate next time.

-It’s not my fault to have to live in the other side of town man, is the only place I could afford and you know it, quit your whining for a moment and tell me why Mart isn´t here, he lives only a couple of streets from here.

-I was thinking that maybe he left us with our asses in the air and that in this very moment he is in a date with a hot chick maybe. - You could see the indignation on Jack´s face.

-Nah he will never do that to us right?.

-I hope that you are right I have to study for this week´s exam.

Jack and I talked about a lot of things like; religion, money, cryptocurrency and our failed love live until Mart arrived and I could see it scared AF as he was approaching to the table.

-Dude we had an eternity waiting for you, where have you been?.

-Look you two I have something very important to say to you. - Mart´s voice tremble with every words he spoke.

-Well spill it already or are you going to make us wait for that too? - Jack surely was impatient for an explanation and he was right to want one.

-Not here, you need to come with me to the house now. - As soon Mart mentioned those words he left the restaurant in a hurry, Jack and I grabbed our stuff and we went running after him.

Went we arrived on his house Mart opens the door and the first thing with see was Mart´s father body lying down in the carpet with some bullet holes in his shirt.

-What the fuck dude! The hell with this shit! - Jack screamed obviously shaken because of what he just saw.

-I had to kill him, he was grabbing the gun just as he always does went he was drunk and he was waving it at me so I take it off of his hand and he grabbed a kitchen knife and come screaming and running to me with full speed, so I shot him all the cartridge until he entirely stopped moving. - Mart´s voice was completely shattered and his face was completely getting full of tears with every word he spoked. - Guys what are we going to do?

-We? What do you mean with: WE, this shit is your fault man, that´s the reason you make us run all the way here to make us accomplices of your crime?!-Shit was getting heavy, seeing Mart and jack screaming at each other combined with the awful smell coming out of Mart´s father was enough to make me want to puke of stress, I´ve to calm both of them down before something else happens.

-Look Mart, Jack is right you have to tell the police about this, allegate self-defense of something of the like, you were just defending yourself right? - Shit shit why something like this had to happen to us damn it.

-Both of you are crazy, the cops will locked me up and take me away for good. - Mart started hyperventilating.

-Well they are surely in their way because I marked 911 as soon I´d see the corpse and they surely had recorded all the conversation. - Fuck Jack can surely be smart and stupid at the same time.
-You Motherfucker!!! They can be here in any second now, what I am going to do? Fuck, fuck FUCK!!!!- Mart surely was losing his nerve.

-Look Mart that is good that means we have proof of your self-defense let them come, go with them and we promised you that everything we´ll be alright nothing bad will happen to you yes?.- I could see the light on Mart´s face turning off.

-Okay… I´ll trust you.-

That was the only thing that he say from that point forward, not even when the cops arrived, he only walked to the police car with a gaze in his face resembling extreme exhaustion and sadness. 5 hours later the police let him go thanks to the recording on Jack´s phone and we had to declare in favor of Mart´s innocence to the cops. After all the ordeal Mart have not spoken at single word to us and we haven´t meet him since then, sometimes Jack and I sit on the restaurant waiting for one of this day we will see Mart coming in from the door, but until not we have not had such luck.

