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I wanted to counter some of the nonsense coming out of the Zionist run media and alt media. The IAEA is the recognized inspection agency for nuclear material and they have said that Iran is cleared.
IAEA findings on Iran: https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/focus/iran
The Zionists like Netanyahu are relying on reports from the "NCRI" which is a front for the "MEK". The NCRI is the National Council Resistance of Iran and is a front for the larger Mujahadeen Organization of Iran (MEK).
MEK: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Mujahedin_of_Iran
NCRI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Council_of_Resistance_of_Iran
So you can believe the lies of Netanyahu and some NCRI terrorists that had their designation removed by Hillary Clinton: https://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/22/world/middleeast/iranian-opposition-group-mek-wins-removal-from-us-terrorist-list.html
However I am going to listen to the IAEA who says that Iran is complying.
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This is important info, @titusfrost. I thought it deserved more attention than just one-liners, so I re-steemed it for another go-round.
I keep saying we should have the warmongers send their sons, daughters, husbands, wives and same-sex lovers over to fight on the front line. If they are not yet trained in combat they can carry shit for the real men. They can cook, clean, do dishes and carry ammo. Oh, and make sure they're right there when the projectiles start flying. I'm told they're naturally good
bullet-catcherscameramenYah..Supreme leaders are good.
Daily Learn some new from your post. Love to read it.