Right here with you! Your A- frame should take the winds pretty well. Nice place. We will get through it . I am more comfortable right here in my home. Well prepped and hoping the trees stay where they are. Yes there is Science , Harp and others . I don't think we are being punished! Well said . 🐓🐓
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Yes... we can do it! I can't imagine forced evacuations... forced anything!
How are you guys holding up? The bands are beating us badly and we are 75 miles inland. 🐓🐓
Be smart. Stay safe and together. 🐓🐓
The eye passed right over us. We are good, thanks! A tree fell on our fenceline and a large tree limb fell and knocked over our propane tank. No power yet. The chicks are doing great! How about you? Loose power?