Yes, it is clear you believe in a Jesus as do Jehovah's Witnesses, as do Mormons, as do Seventh Day Adventist's, as do Hebrew Roots movement people. The question is whether the propositions set forth by these religions correspond with the truth of who Jesus actually was (and is, and is to come). Many historical claims were presented, for instance, in the gospel of Luke and I am not aware of any accounts repudiating those claims that contemporary time period. The propositions Islam presents come MUCH later and directly contradict the claims of antiquity. How can they be trusted?
One accepting the historical claims posited by Christian Scriptures hardly makes one a biblical Christian or saved for that matter. One has to believe the gospel and not just any gospel. The gospel of the Scriptures that is the gospel of Christ. There are specific propositions that comprise is almost like a jigsaw puzzle. Yes, the erudite scholar or theologian may be able to piece it together and the image may be right before them.
Still yet, it is the power of God and Him alone that the person is able to recognize said image, even trusting in what the image conveys concerning righteousness. This is what sets apart biblical Christianity from the fuzzy feel-good false Christianity of the world riddled with seal-righteous moralism. Be a good boy or little girl and accept some amorphous notion of faith and your in the club. I reject this. Salvation is in Christ alone thereby leaving no room for the works of men.
As I understand it, Islam is a works-religion whereby your deeds are judged on somewhat of a scale weighing the good from the bad. I wonder if it is define what the threshold of good one must be or do to be accepted. But what about the bad deeds committed?
Let's say your good outweighs your bad and you are accepted when you die. Will there be any penalty for the bad or is it simply excused as long as you are more good than bad? If so, that would seem to indicate a loss of accountability for sins. In Christian theology, all sins are paid in some way either on the Cross to those it is granted to believe or in judgment for the unbeliever. Nevertheless, every sin is paid in blood showing the perfect justice of God.
The minor prophet Ezekiel said that the soul that sins shall die. The apostle Paul said in the book or Romans that the wages of sin is death. The takeaway is that just one sin requires death. I ain't perfect by any stretch of the imagination so I know I am not going to make the cut if it were not for what Jesus accomplished on that tree. I wonder if you are comfortable with the notion of your deeds being weighed on a scale. What if what I am telling this day is the truth? Only God can grant it to you believe; therefore, I pray you consider my words to you on this day.
There is no absolute righteousness in false religion nor is there true justice. There is only death. But in Christ Jesus, who alone possesses immortality(1 Tim 6:16), there is an exceeding hope and peace that transcends understanding.
May God give light.
P.S. I must ask. What factors played into your acceptance of the propositions of Islam? How were you converted to this system of belief?