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RE: ISIS fighters don't get Islam - and that's really good

in #islam9 years ago (edited)

As for the Quran? Verses u are referring to I don't no if they are fabricated or not we know the enemy of Islam are plotting and planing to fabricate the Quran I will do my research from trusted sources and get back to u and as far as I am concerned Prophet "MUHAMMAD" P.B.U.H never signed no peace treaty with the pigans of Mecca, during the time he was at Mecca not intell the chased him and his followers out of Mecca soon after his uncle passed away who was his protecter at that time and he did not sign no peace treaty and broken them, as far as I know but I will look into it to, but one thing I know is a revelation was revealed to him by God, informing him if he suspect the non believers and does not believe they will honor peace treaty, he was advised to take the nessery measures including breaking the peace treaty, as we are well aware both the pigans and the Jews of Mecca both broke the peace treaty, so what do u expect, also Prophet "MUHAMMAD" never turned his back no fled from war, that is a clear lie and fabrication.


I see. Apparently Arafat didn't get the memo prior to his Johannesburg speech following the Oslo accords...