Ten Wills from Muhammad Prophet for Us

in #islam7 years ago

TEN WILLS of Muhammad Prophet for us


For As-sayyidah Fatima RA, her daughter:

1. O Fatimah !

Verily women make flour for her husband and her children, soon Allah will assign to her the advantages of each grain is mixed, and also Allah Swt melts ugliness and improve her degree.

2. O Indeed Fatimah !

Verily woman sweating when punching meal for her husband and her children, surely Allah will make between hell and her seven separator veils.

3. O Indeed Fatimah !

Verily woman who anoints her children and combs her children's hair and then wash her clothes, then Allah will reward her as the reward set feed thousands of hungry people and give clothes a thousand people who are naked.

4. O Indeed Fatimah !

Verily women who help the needing of neighbors, then God will help him to be able to drink well later in Kawthar lake on the Day of Judgment.


5. O Fatimah !

Verily the main priority of all of the above is the pleasure of the husband against isteri. If so your husband is not pleased with thee, I will not pray for you. Know it Fatima, her husband's wrath is the wrath of Allah SWT.

6. O Fatimah !

  • When a woman is pregnant, the angels seek forgiveness for her, and God set for her every day a thousand good, and melt thousand badness.
  • When woman feel pain to give birth, then God set her reward equal to the reward of the Warriors for God.
  • When a woman give birth, and be unclean sins like when she was born from the womb of the mother.
  • When woman dies in childbirth, then she will not take the slightest sin, in the grave will get a beautiful park that is part of the garden of paradise.
  • God gave her the same reward with the reward of a thousand people who perform the Hajj and umrah, and a thousand angels pray for forgiveness for her until the doomsday.

7. O Fatimah !

When a wife serves her husband during the day and night, with a sense of fun and sincere, then God will forgive her sins and put her clothes on the day of resurrection in the form of all-green dress, and set her hair on her body every thousand goodness. Allah SWT will also give her a reward of one hundred times the pilgrimage and umrah.


8. O Fatimah !

When a wife smiles in front of her husband, then Allah will see her with a glance.

9. O Fatimah !

When a wife presents bedding for her husband with happiness sense, then the angels of heaven call from sky, calling her to see her reward, and Allah forgive her sins of the past and the future.

10. O Fatimah !

  • When a woman has anointed my husband's head and combed, oiling his beard and mustache and cut his nails, then Allah will give her beautifully packaged beverage, which comes from the rivers of paradise.
  • Allah Almighty will make it easier for her 'Sakaratul maut' and makes part of the paradise garden. Allah SWT then set him free from the pains of hell and can be crossed from shirathal mustaqim with safe.

Subhaanallah How Great and the Merits Outstanding Women in the household when he willingly and faithfully serve nature.
Sources of these pictures are:

Https://hotelroomsearch.net Https://islamidia.com Https://walldevil.com


Subhanallah... i do admire to prophet Muhammad Saw

Subhanallah. I do love you Muhammad saw. I will see you in paradise