These Are the 6 Secrets and Advantages of Dhuha Prayers

in #islam7 years ago

Secrets and the virtues of Dhuha prayer are among the sunnah prayers which are highly recommended by the Prophet Muhammad. There are many explanations of the hadith that have mentioned the various virtues and privileges of the Dhuha prayer for anyone who carries out it.

The following are some of the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad who told about the virtues of Dhuha prayer, including:

1.Alms for all joints of the human body

From Abu Dzar al-Ghifari ra, he said that the Prophet Muhammad said: "In each one of you there is alms, each tasbih (utterance of subhanallah) is alms, every tahmid (say alhamdulillah) is alms, every tahlil (lailahaillallah) is alms, every takbir is charity, telling good is charity, preventing from evil is charity. And two rakuh Dhuha were rewarded, "(Muslim).

2.Big profits (profits)

From Abdullah bin 'Amr bin' Ash radhiallahu 'anhuma, he said:

The Messenger of Allah sent a war army.

The Prophet said: "Get profit (ghanimah) and hurry back!".

They finally talk to each other about the close goal (place) of war and the amount of ghanimah (profit) that will be obtained and quickly return (because of the distance).

Then the Messenger of Allah said; "Will you show me the closest goal of them (the enemy to be fought), at most, the profit and the return quickly?"

They answered; "Yes!"

The Prophet SAW said again: "Whoever ablutions', then enters the mosque to perform Dhuha prayers, he is the one closest to his goal (the place of war), more ghanimah and faster return," (Sahih al-Targhib: 666)

3.A house in heaven

For those who diligently do Dhuha prayers, a house will be built in heaven. This is explained in a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH: "Whoever Dhuha prayer is four rak'ahs and four rak'ahs before, then he will build a house in heaven," (Sahih al-Jami`: 634)

4.Obtain rewards in the afternoon

From Abu Darda 'ra, he said that the Messenger of Allah SAW said: Allah ta`ala said: "O son of Adam, pray for Me four rak'ah from the beginning of the day, then I will fulfill your needs (reward) in the afternoon" (Sahih al- Jami: 4339)

5.Umrah reward

From Abu Umamah, Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: "Whoever comes out of his house in a state of purification to perform obligatory prayers, the reward is like a person who performs Hajj. Whoever comes out to perform Dhuha prayers, then the reward is like a person who performs' Umrah ... "(Sahih al-Targhib: 673).

6.Forgiveness of Sin

"Anyone who performs the Dhuha prayer forever, will be forgiven of his sins by Allah, even though the sin is as much as foam in the ocean," (HR Tirmidhi).

For that, yeah! Those who have not prayed duha. From now on we are both learning to carry out the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad.

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