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RE: ISLAM what does it mean?

in #islam7 years ago

praise to dalla mr terrorist.. 👏 .. read your stupid koran you stupid mussie.. in a language you understand best.. didnt you learn anything from madarsa?

& for scum & other abuses.. since I didnt abuse you in beginning & you started it.. it proves islam teaches its followers to abuse infidels when they cannot kill them for insulting islam.. so it tells your terrorist actions, no matter how much you yell otherwise...

so mr terrorist.. next time you start to abuse any infidel, let your victim know that you will earn sabab for abusing them, so they might succumb to your stupid cult & you feel relieved & get your narcissistic ego fueled.


It was you who started with the first comment you blind scum.

hello there mr terrorist.. I didnt honored YOU with those words.. those words were for islam... why YOU mr terrorist got your filthy nose here?