May I suggest another approach, or maybe a better way to "clean house"? I think it starts with education. Potential radicals need to be educated on:
Reasons to believe why Mohammad was not advocating violence.
Quranic, peaceful alternatives to resistance to oppression.
What other Muslim prophets like Jesus had to say about dealing with adversity, including constant reminders that the Quran forbids making one prophet greater than the rest, and sans the hypocritical rejection of the 4 Gospels.
Reasons to believe why Mohammad was not trying to establish a world-wide caliphate.
Reasons to believe Islam, as taught in the Quran, is more inclusive than takfiri (Muslims who excommunicate others) have made it to be, which includes education about Sayyid Qutb and other promoters of takfirism (doctrine of excommunication).
Teachings like this will go a long way to bringing potential radicals into a better understanding of Islam. I'm curious, is this being taught in your mosque @yahialababidi?
Thank you, for this fine list. Yes, potential radicals need to be better educated about what Islam preaches, starting at mosques. Peace, Yahia