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RE: ISIS fighters don't get Islam - and that's really good

in #islam9 years ago

3 million Vietnamese, most citizens
1.5 million Iraqi, mostly citizen
unknown numbers of native (first nation) tribal people... oops, I mean 'savages'...
more than 500,000 Japanese men women and children, with 2 nuclear explosives... the only ones used so far "in action".
But no, we're not Christians... we didn't do that stuff....


No, U.S. bombing other countries were not driven by religion as today's Muslims are. That's like saying that the Soviet Union was Christian because Stalin was baptized and even studied in a seminary for some time.

You conveniently ignored the 'savages' we massacred by the many millions on our way west to claim our MANIFEST DESTINY which Americans were telling each other was PROPHESIED in the New Testament. They pointed to scripture (Revelations and Daniel) and said "here we are! in the Bible!!!"
Purely Christian religiously motivated massacre of children and women in their teepees in their villages, we rode through in a slash and burn fury... to open up the west, for all us christian white people.
And we're helping the same thing happen to the Palestinians.
We're gifting 40 billion this year to help do so.
White people want the land brown people live on, always did, always will.
Makes me wish I was non-white.
Almost. :^)

BTW, don't look now but the Russians have a VERY strong resurgent christian movement. Orthodox Christianity is in charge in Russia.
Here we make fun of Christians! Its our national past time!!
Silly jesus freaks! haha!!
Makes you wonder who this benefits, huh?
And no, they were never an evil atheist empire. Stalin NEVER burned down the churches. We were always, and are now, being lied to on a massive scale.
Nazi style... and you do know that few Germans really knew what was going on in those camps, most refused to accept it once told.

WE ARE THERE NOW. Our perspective is being corralled into a tight, easy to grasp, dumbed down for the masses, righteous clash of civilizations....

While we instigate World War 3. And encircle Moscow.
And our people remain grossly over entertained and under educated.
Best thing about it... it'll be so quick, we won't even know what hit us.

woops! I was taking a specific American (anglo) view...
Lets look at the world wide conquests of the SPANISH EMPIRE (violent as all hell when it required fearful force to subjugate the natives). Tuey flew their Christian Crucifix flag... all the while claiming they were only subjugating the entire world because they were 'missionaries' spreading the gospel .... sure.

Yeah, Stalin didn't burn churches, he just closed them down and massacred clergy, at least until his fellow Hitler attacked him, and then Uncle Joe needed support from the Orthodox Church.

Still, USSR murdered more people than the Nazis, and this probably is an achievement.

As for 'savages', perhaps it's sad that they were forced to abandon their native peaceful religions with mass human sacrifices to the "murderous" cross-bearing Christians. Oh my..