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RE: Farrakhan Ask's: Who Will Correct Elijah's Teaching's?

in #islam7 years ago (edited)

Salaam 3laykum brother.
If you are Muslim as you say then please greet me with the proper response at least Salaam 3laykum or wa 3laykum salaam brother.
There is no white or black in Islam brother! White and black ARE only social status's that America and the western Kufar world imposed on its subjects during and after colonialism!
Brother a Muslim is one who has taken shahada and upholds the five pillars of Islam.
Brother anybody that takes shahada and upholds the five pillars is a Muslim, however many Muslims in the world align themselves with varying degrees of political movements MOST of which are haram!
Whether overseas, or in the states, many of these political movements are haram because they go against the sunnah of the prophets!

My brother, you are not in a position to judge who is or is not a Muslim! Based on the way you responded as well as myself included... it should be known that Allah subhanahu wa ta3la knows best and by labeling yourself as a 'white' Muslim you are committing the same Nationalistic mistakes that the Nation of Islam AND racial/political/nationalistic movements across the world make.

My brother there is no white or black in Islam... you may be of lighter complexion and from an Anglo-speaking white/western background however this identity of yours will fall off after you gain knowledge of self and continue to uphold the five pillars.

Salaam 3laykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu ya akhi!

The terms 'white' and 'black' are opposite ends of the color spectrum as well as Kufar based social classification status's that have NO basis in Islam, science, fact, or the sight of the Most High.
Nayzak - Islam Encourages Rational Thnking.jpg


walaikum as-salaam bro you really need to read about this cult called Nation of Islam, if you think they are within the fold of Islam then you really really really need to go talk to a sunni sheikh, please.

Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X and many others left NOI for a reason.. NOI is not Islam, they believe Elijah Mohammad was a prophet and that his teacher whose name escapes me was Allah... Astagfirulluh... furthermore they believe that a mad scientist named yaqub created the white race..They hate white people, this is why I brought up that I'm white .

Now Brother why would you come to my post intending to call these brothers of the nation a cult? Yes brother I know many in the Nation of Islam who have embraced al-Islam in these post segregated times my brother.
However, as Muslims there is a way to comunicate and a way not to comunicate... and by coming to my post only to call-names and make GENERALIZATIONS about people whom you have probably not interacted with much is not the sunnah brother. Many brothers from the NOI may be making salah right next to you in your 'sunni' masjid and many also communicate in a manner more appropriate than the negativity we have already been gossiping about here ya akhi :)

My brother if we wish to bring the brothers in the nation to al Islam, videos like this are a great way to make the brothers think! Alienating them further from us will not improve relations nor will it benefit yourself or them.
My brother you seem to know alot brother mashallah inshallah may Allah subhanahu wa ta3la keep you positive and on the mustaqeem.
Inshallah the day will come when you and other sincere Muslims of the West can drop these false labels such as white and so-called black and identify as a Muslim and only a Muslim with no other label attached.
Have you had any negative interactions with the Nation my brother? Inshallah it does not make you hold hate brother bless you brother barakallah fik Nayzak - Islam Encourages Rational Thnking.jpg