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RE: Uncomfortable truths about Muslims that need discussion!

in #islam9 years ago

@cheetah is a bot, I guess you already know that? The facts presented above are pretty scary. I haven't gone through the links, I just read the articles. How recent are these facts? It's hard to believe that there exists such big percentage of Muslims who are pretty extreme about Islam and Sharia. I haven't read Quran but I hope that it doesn't tell that killing innocent people in the name of God is right. I think I need to read Quran first to understand what makes them so rigid about their religion. I don't know if I'll find that answer but I think we should see for ourselves what Quran is about. May be the solution to this problem is in there already? I'm from Nepal and I'm not a Muslim but I still believe that an eye for an eye will only leave the whole world blind.


If you want to know more about Islam and the Koran, look at the short abstract here.

I was using copy and paste with google translate. takes a little more but the information is worth it.

Thank you for the link but it's in German and Google Chrome says it can't translate it.

amazing post! Thank you for adding a link to it! 8D


Yeah he's cool. He is pushing the limits a bit far sometimes. A lot more then usual recently. I think it has to do with his up coming prison time.

the question about how much following the Quran is a huge point imo. the answer you will get depends a lot on how much the Muslim your asking has actually read.

Yeah, that's right.

blasphemy law change from place to place but yeah, talking critical or negatively about Islam is illegal in a lot of places. the more of a Muslim based population the stronger the laws are.
here is Amos Yee, I may not agree with some of the things he supports but most of his stuff I agree with.he is still under 18 and has already spent 55 days in jail and had another long sectence coming up for blaspmoy

here is a vid of him and the type of vids he is known for

he is going back to jail soon I believe.
if he lived in a place where sharia was practiced he would be killed for the second vid. you should check his chanel out if u get a change. there are some good conversations about freedomof speech and laws about it.

hahahaha He is quite funny and brave too. And, he has got some valid points as well in that video. ISIS think they are doing right by following everything in Quran. How much of a Quran does a Muslim have to follow to be a Muslim? That was the most intriguing question in that whole video.
