How to fight Islamophobia in Oregon using only your vote

in #islam6 years ago (edited)


Above a screen shot of the type of incendiary stories American media companies shamelessly pump out, making it appear that the Muslim world is actually like this. It's not. They are lying right to your face. Right now is our time to pull the plug on these devilish "journalists."

As much as I enjoy Oregon and it's trees, I have come to realize that Oregon's citizens are some of the most ignorant people. Oregon, a state with the highest taxes, does very little beyond rent seeking. No new value has been built since 2011 since I have been here. I would argue Oregon is becoming worse quickly.

Defamation of Muslims is definitely reaching a fever pitch in Portland, Oregon. I have personally experienced this working for the American Red Cross National Testing Lab here. Not only was my trainer a bigot, character assassin, and a slanderer, the management was oblivious to the toxic nature of her behavior. They carried on as though it was business as usual.

It is common here for the locals and natives to mock Arab sounding names. Muslims are often targeted with character assassination and defamation. At one job, a rude woman erroneously, perhaps to provoke a reaction, accused me of being a pedophile (child molestor). When I expressed to her that no matter what she says she would never be able to provoke me, her husband physically threatened me for "talking to his wife that way." I immediately reported the two of them to my supervisor who did nothing. This is how Oregonians see Muslims. They always see Muslims as below them and as a threat.

Did you know that provoking people is against Islam? Yet Muslim Americans have to deal with such provocative comments from the common American who sees himself as magically superior. Muslims have been specifically targeted by cartoonists in the very way cartoonists targeted Jews during the build up to the Holocaust. Today's attacks on the west are entirely provoked by westerners themselves and frankly they should have known better, and it's their own damn fault.

The prostitute-like-manner in which western women commonly dress is also against Islam AND every religion. I don't know of any religion that would permit their daughters to dress and behave like prostitutes from a young age. Do you? In the west the main value ascribed to women is based on appearance.

It is important to remind these people that Muslims are the actual Christians. Muslims are more Christ like. How often do you find a Muslim woman behaving that immodestly?

Yet today, you now have hired-insult-hurlers like Boris Johnson mocking Muslim women, and claiming that they "look like bank robbers." Sam Harris, an atheist writer, claims that Muslim women look like they are "wearing bags." His confederate, Christopher Hitchens, a bitter enemy of Islam, took his insult even further, showing his lack of original thought, and claimed that they look like a "bag of rats."

So, where are the Muslim husbands? Why are they not stopping and asking these men why they "dare speak about their wives like this?" Where are their balls? Have we been tolerant too long.

These hurlers-of-hatred, shells-of-men, like Steven Crowder, should be pulled aside and forced to explain their comments or publicly apologize. Sam Harris has refused to debate anyone from our mosque, though I know the messages have been sent repeatedly. Harris is a charlatan, and he would not do well in a debate with me or my brothers, I promise you. Furthermore, Sam Harris is comfortable having his daughter dress like a prostitute, while he goes trotting about insulting nearly a tenth of the population's most pious people, such as my mother and sister (Muslim women make up over 10 % of the global population).

Every single "journalist" who foolishly takes to the stage to attack Islam and Muslims, should be harangued openly before the public. The incessant shaming should be recorded and broadcast on youtube so that the world can see what hell these "journalists" have brought upon others. What they do every day, is an act of war, and they are trying to shame our families in front of theirs. This is a crime.

Why are Muslims not pointing out that nearly every American male of European descent is a cuckold? This is a fact. Almost every single one. Many of these men are willfully cuckholded. Their women treat them worse than dogs. This is the state of the average American family, which often fails to stick together enough to properly raise children, who are then raised by tax payers such as myself.

Why are we not pointing out that Mary Mother of Jesus never dressed like a modern American bimbo? Look, and you will see, that almost every statue of Mary in this country depicts a VEILED and MODEST looking woman. I would love to see these same men talk about Mary in such a cavalier manner, and see how well that goes over.

The combination of typical leftist character assassination, retaliation and defamation, is a potent reminder to the Muslim community that, at least in America, liberals and Democrats hate Muslims while they hypocritically pretend to speak for everyone. They are cannibals and we are not. The left always cannibalizes its own people. They are back stabbers. Democrats and the mainstream media were lying to you when they called Trump's travel ban on a discrete list of nations riddled with terrorists a "Muslim" ban. This was deliberate, and reminds us that you can trust neither liberals nor "journalists."

Most Muslims ought to know by now that they are conservative compared to the majority of the population here, despite right wing idiot news pundits such as Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh wanting you to believe that your a liberal. Jones portrays Muslims as evil allies of liberals. In their delusional minds Muslims are liberal. Most are not though. The "enemy of Islam" is quick to point out his "liberal" Muslim buddy, who in truth, is quite unlike the bulk of the Islamic world, which, again, is conservative. Alex Jones is a liar. Rush Limbaugh too, is lying to you about Islam. I will call them liars to their faces if afforded the chance, and here I publicly accuse them of lying with the wrongful aim of provoking Muslims to attack their own people, so they have another news story. Jones and Limbaugh are just as much "enemies of America" as ISIS or The Taliban. This is the real truth. Alex Jones will have us all running for cover like Henry Kissinger on steroids. He is more of a danger to Americans than he is a "journalist."

People like Representative Ilhan Omar are misguided politicians that do not speak for all American Muslims. If they studied Islam, they would have realized that Islam is a highly conservative religion. The authenticity of The Quran is evident on how well it's been conserved by memorizers and scribes of the time. A religion that has guarded its traditions as well as Islam cannot, and will never, be"liberal." Liberal principles have been disproven by science, in case you are not aware. They are false. Yet, Omar ran as a Democrat anyway. This is because she only cares about politics. Would she have won the office if she were a he? I doubt it. She's been deluded by her victim-mentality to run for the party that has repeatedly connived minorities into voting for them. Had her spiritual beliefs guided her, she would have been a Republican. Malcolm X was a Republican. Frederick Douglas, another Republican. Do you think that these black freedom fighters would have supported Republicans if they believed Republicans were bad for minorities? Do you think Arnold Schwarzenegger would be a Republican if being a Republican was bad for immigrants?

What has actually happened is that the Democrat has hoodwinked the black man. After doing so, Democrats decimated the institution of the black family. They convinced the black woman that she does not "need a man," implying that Uncle Sam, and his welfare gang, will pick up the tab.

For those of you who have not studied much history, refer to John Gerring's book "Party Ideology," because the media has twisted the truth so extremely that many of my readers may be confused. Or perhaps, due to my name, you may think you know more about America. If you think you know more, bring it on. This is actually the very confusion that the Democrat party runs on as it pretends to speak for you, rather than letting you speak for yourself. I am not like them.

So why are Muslims actually aligned with the Republicans more than Democrats?

Let me show you. There are 3 things, that if you believe, you fall into the Republican camp.

The first is patriotism. Muslims as well have been commanded by the Prophet (SAW) to be patriotic and loyal. The Holy Prophet (SAW) said, if you are not loyal in obeying your leader, then you have disobeyed me. He also tempered this by advising that if your ruler begins to oppress you, you should leave. Still, semantics aside, I would argue that if you are a Muslim in America, you are morally obligated to be patriotic and loyal....just like a Republican would do.

Secondly, Republicans respect the police. Muslims have also been commanded to respect the police. Muslims respect law and order.

Thirdly, Republicans strive for prosperity, and as we see in the Islamic call to prayer, the azaan, the muezzin calls upon the believers to "come to prosperity; come to prayer." Republicans and Muslims agree that prosperity is crucial. Unlike the Democrat, who preys upon the poor, feasting on the hearts of good gentle hearted people, the Republicans actually pull the poor up into new wealth. According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, from psychology, we know that people have to have prosperity to be good. It's a lot easier for you to be good when you have money and therefore you do not have to steal to survive. Most of you have probably never been put in that situation, but most Americans have.

So, the actual driving force behind the hatred of Islam in Oregon, is simply a lack of religion-respecting-Republicans.

I urge my Muslim American people to understand that my insights for introspection here were not developed in a vacuum. Dear Muslims, the democrat is not for you. Regardless of the differences between Republicans, their core values better reflect our religion than the core value of the Democrat Party. The Democrat does not believe in Islam. The Democrat does not believe there is a difference between a male and a female. Islam commands its people to know and act upon these differences, and so do doctors, and scientists. Democrats deny Islam because they are truth deniers.

Until we help Muslim Americans shift to the best party, the Republicans, the problem of Islamophobia will continue to spread under Democrat conditions.

For those who do not understand the difference between left and right, because it may not seem obvious on a superficial level: all those who are on the left worship the vagina as their god. All those who are on the right turn to the divine. This is politics in a nutshell. One side is patriarchal and the other is not quite matriarchal, but obssessed with sex usually.

There are those, such as Michael Moore, who will try to trick you into being one of them. They will argue that America is a leftist nation. This is wrong. On our money it says "in God we trust." America will always believe and will always be a nation run by believers. Even as secularism spreads marginally through the nation, how many senators today have the balls to claim that they do not believe in God? How many do you think it would take to have the gall to say such a politically alienating thing? They want you to think that a nation founded on the freedom of religion, entirely hates religion. Don't believe them. Michael Moore is a morbidly obese and mentally ill propagandist. He is a "journalist" and you should never trust a journalist.

NEVER TRUST A JOURNALIST - Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of The Black Swan

There are also those right wing pundits that malign Muslims every given day. Rupert Murdoch's outlets publish 8 anti-Islam articles every day. Regardless of what they say, true Muslims, and Islam is still more conservative than they claim to be, and they are more right wing than them. They are liars and fakers, and the 1 percent of Americans who are currently Muslim know that they are liars.

So, in conclusion, the best way for Muslims to gain a foothold in Islamophobic Oregon, is to vote Republican and defeat the Democrat Party in every part of the country.


Assalaamu3laykum ya akhi

Why commit haram and vote when you can make change without voting into the same system used to divide and destroy us?!

Don't vote in the kaffir system! Instead become active in your community amongst the mumineen AND be active in the community for the non-muslims by educating them. Republican/Democrat blah blah blah. Why not put the time and energy into re-establishing our khilafah inshallah.

Thank you for letting me know. I love your ideas.