Why did my father change his last name? racism? maybe less and I should change my last name back to what it was.

in #israel7 years ago (edited)

Dear friends, my first name is Noam and my last name is Dron,
As we know, at least in Israel they follow the father's surname, but this was not always my father's surname. My father came to the Land of Israel from Morocco and they were expelled from Spain (the Jews).

To read more:
Alhambra Decree

My father's family was deported over 500 years ago from Spain to Spain called Zarzil because of their religion, and so my father's last name was Azarzar because of the name of this island in Spain .
Entry to Israel from Morocco was not easy at all, people who came with higher education from places like Germany, the Soviet Union and Europe in general ridiculed people from the East who had little education and were simpler people

My father tells how they called him by the name of his family. They called him "Zarzir", a kind of bird, and the Hebrew word it sounds like a pig, although my father laughed with the peoples who said that but inside he felt the inferiority they showed him.

My father decided to change the name of our family to Dron, an Israeli surname means present my father lucky is that he doesn't look like someone who came from Morocco so switch the name was enough for him to cover his identity. This family name does not signify that you came from Europe or anything like that, but my father was disgusted with everything related to being Moroccan for many years

Sometimes he identifies so much that he laughs at Moroccans himself and mocks them even though he is one himself.

There was racism against us in Europe (the Jews). We were expelled from Spain, we passed World War II, and we lost half of our people in torture and in the most difficult ways, but do the bad things that happen to us begin in us, by not being united enough?

credit to pixabay

הנושא קרוב מאוד לליבי למרות ששם המשפחה שלי המקורי היה ברוך וזה שם שלא נושא אתו בהכרח רמז למוצא אבל כן יש לנו מה לשפר ביחסים ביננו התפוצות השונות הבונות את העם...לפחות אפשר להגיד שכולנו גלינו מהארץ ורובנו ממגורשי ספרד גם האשכנזים שביננו...אני בדעה שכולם צריכים להחליף שמות משפחה מכיוון שממילא זה משהו מלאכותי העניין הזה של שמות משפחה ואם זה יעזור למנוע דעה קדומה ותיוג של אנשים אז הייתי הולכת על זה.

נכון.. מסכים איתך בריג'יט :)

תודה נעם, בבית אגב יש לי ויכוח קשה עם הצד הגברי במשפחה מסיבות ברורות אבל מבחינתי אם זו קוסמטיקה שתשרת את הדור הבא לטוב, כן הייתי מאמצת. ניתן לשמר מורשת משפחתית והיסטוריה גם בדרכים אחרות
במיוחד היום, לא סתם ניתנה פעם הוראה לבכירים בצבא לעברת את שמם (דוד בן גוריון?) ולא רק מהעניין הייצוגי בכל מקרה, בל לא נשכח ששמות המשפחה שניתנו ליהודים היו בחזקת כינויי גנאי אז על מה הצער?

Jew families have gone through a lot in the last century in Europe. The world knows their plight and how much they suffered because some communities and leaders who had racial biases. What your father did was probably in the best interest of survival of the family and settling down in those troubled days. Now, of course, you can always consider changing to your original name but as Shakespeare said "What's in a name?" I strongly believe that you, my friend, have a personality that defines you - irrespective of what name you carry. Your work and achievements speak for you.@amiramnoam -



Your father has the right to change his name, he has his reasons and racism is a thing that has to stop, I believe so, soon.

Yap, i agree with your opinion

Good and do find time to check my blog posts too 😎

I agree with you only fools ya still think about racism, will not go forward a country says its people still think about that stupid thing. Thank you for mepos this article. Regards. If you want, you reply to this comment by following me

פוסט שאני מזדהה איתו נעם! אמא שלי מרוקאית (אטיאס) וכשהם עלו לארץ היו
צוחקים עליהם המון, הם נדחקו לבית שאן והיו צריכים להלחם מלחמת השרדות כלכלית.
אני מרגיש שהמון דברים השתנו לטובה - כבר פחות שמים לב להבדלים עדתיים, יש הרבה יותר קירוב, הרבה בגלל שפשוט חיים ביחד! אני נשוי לבחורה ממוצא אשכנזי, לומד רפואה - קיבלו אותי ללא שום התייחסות למוצא :)
עדיין יש על מה לעבוד וככל שהעם יהיה מאוחד יותר אז נהיה חזקים יותר כמובן - אבל יש מגמת שיפור :)
היום אפשר להנות מכל העולמות - מהאוכל האשכנזי והמרוקאי, בדיחות על כל העדות - זה כבר מתקבל ברוח טובה יותר :)

It's good to know that things are improving. Sorry no Hebrew font.

Yeah it's much better :) thanks for reading my comment :)

Sure. Thank you.

בדיוק מה שעניתי ל@shubaca430

נועם זרזיר...איזה שם יפה!
הלוואי שהזמנים משתנים והאפליה המיותרת הזאת ששררה פה שנים על גבי שנים הולכת ודועכת

סרט מדהים שראיתי לאחרונה שמדבר על הנושא הזה ועל היישוב של יהודי ארצות ערב בעיירות פיתוח עניות וחשוכות תשתיות חיוניות בעוד את האשכנזים ישבו במרכז בתנאים הרבה יותר טובים זה "סלאח פה זה ארץ ישראל" של דוד דרעי. סרט חובה לכל ישראלי שרוצה להבין את ההסיטוריה וההווה שלו

עליתי לישראל ב1985
לא הייתי מודע לרמת הגזענות ששררה בארץ כלפי המזרחיים. כשהגעתי לכאן הוכאתי בהלם.
עם זאת, ובניגוד לדיעה הרווחת אצל התקשורת הישראלית וחלק מהפוליטיקאים, מזה שנים רבות הגזענות נדחפה לשוליים.

שמרתי את שם הסרט :)

Racism is sheer ignorance....Racism and racial discrimination adversely affect mental health..I am so sorry for you :((((

Informative....Thanks for the information and helpful .
Thank's for sharing sir...

Wow...what a concept..that was awesome.
First to last...i have read your post.

i need to know more, love to read it..

My sir name is "Walsby" but it was not always so. My paternal grandfather's name was Wolsky. He changed it because of the Rosenberg scandal of the mid 50's in the United States. Anyone who was a Jewish then and had a Russian-sounding surname was suspected of being a communist. The situation here in Israel is different but essentially your grandfather's generation was shamed into being "Israelis" by the then ruling class of the country (Most of whom -but not all -where of Eastern European origin) Why they imposed this racism on their coreligionists is not totally clear to me. Many Ashkenazim, including myself, look very Middle Eastern and could never pass for "White". Others though are very European looking and you would be hard pressed to tell them apart from other European descended people. I think that the "racism" meeted out on your family and other Middle Eastern Jews had something to do with internalised self-hating attitudes about what Jews and more importantly Israelis should be like. The early creators of the countries wanted to create a "New Zionist Man" devoid of religious or cultural traditions. They just projected their distorted feelings on others. It's Bulshit and I a will always say that I am a Jew first and not an Israeli because of these reasons. Thanks for the thought-provoking post.

It is not unusual to change one’s name to escape prejudice & racism. It is very common for American Jews to either assume an Anglo Saxon name; like Winona Horowitz assumed the identity Winona Ryder or Anglicise their names; like Rotstein transformed to Redstone.

Unfortunately, despite our best attempts, racism is unlikely to disappear. The good news is that the younger generation & Millennials are less tolerant of racism, bullying, intolerance & other social ills.

That is very nice to hear. It should all go away.

Dear steemit friend āmādēra sāthē yōgāyōga tathya pōsṭa karuna skulēra bibhāga dbārā skulēra dēśa anuyāẏī hōmapēja> dēśa anuyāẏī> yuktarājya> lyāṅkāśāẏāra> Dahl bibhāga dbārā
ʼny mrgyş şhmwn dbrym hşţnw ltwbh - kbr pẖwţ şmym lbybdlym ʻdţyym, yş hrbh ywţr qyrwb, hrbh bgll şpşwt ẖyym byẖd! ʼny nşwy lbẖwrh mmwẕʼ ʼşknzy, lwmd rpwʼh - kā'ibōla ō kērī hẏātuhśētha lāmōj:)
Ādipustaka thēkē isarā'īladērakē hayarata iẏākuba (ā.) - Ēra sāthē hayarata iẏākuba ālā'ihisa sālāma

awesome dear you are so lucky who enjoyed life on your way great work hope you always enjoyed your life as a biker i just image who you enjoy and seeing a reality of life great god bless you dear

i don't like racisme

זה מעצבן אותי כל פעם מחדש!
גדלתי בציבור החרדי, ושם יש גזענות ברמות מטורפות (באמת לא רוצה להכליל, אבל אצל הרוב זה כך) וגזענות הורסת. זה לא סתם הצקות או ירידות סתמיות שלא עושות כלום, זה מתייג אנשים וגורם להם להתנהג בצורה שמצפים מהם, וקשה מאוד להתגבר על זה. כל הכבוד לאבא שלך ששינה את השם, והלוואי שהוא לא היה צריך לעשות את זה, יש ליהודי מרוקו מסורת עשירה וארוכה הרבה יותר מחלק מאירופה, ופשוט ניסו למחוק את הכל

thank 's the thinking of racism...
good to share .

It might have been racism from a different perspective either for his or your safety as a family.
Those were tough times and if they had found out about him things wouldn't have been good for you. If your grands names were never changed and you know where they are, then be happy because you got a step to find out origin and relatives.

אחוות פוסט מעולה, תמיד עוקבים ומעלים

♥Amazing dear...♥
Much obliged for sharing it..
♦Upvoted and resteemed♦

Thanks to the thinking of racism.

nice post

your father forget where he came from.. many people tend to do things to make themselves acceptable in a community. or maybe your father do this for your safety. good luck to you my brother. keep posting :)

Looks amazing man your post is very nice good job carry on

nice post great

You are not alone my friend...Racism is everywhere..Just ignore them who are racist and pass comment on that. There are many better thing in our life which needs our attention.
Enjoy your day.

Jews are genious

Hello friends, how are you
Thank you good friends to meet you
the best and amazing

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Nice post, but i dont know paragraft 3

Hello friends, how are you
Thank you good friends to meet you
the best and amazing, i like you article, nice you article

Nice to Meet You All #steemians My name is Ahmad Muhajir Account name @ahmadmuhajir Comes from Indonesian I Say Welcome And Happy To You Here #steemit or # eSteem.

I would like to express my gratitude.Do not Forget Follow Me Also @ahmadmuhajir

Okey next day i will write you article, i'll wait your post again

Well I'm fully black and I know how racism affects me in most countries, can't say I blame your dad, but it's really not cool when he points at other Moroccans as outcasts, being racist to your own race is always the worst type of racism

Informative....Thanks for the information and helpful .
Thank's for sharing sir.

That's a awesome post I appreciate it @amir

So sorry to hear the troubles your family and your people went through. But I know a promise of God for you and your people! God said to Abraham that those who will bless him (and Hebrews) will be blessed because you are carring the blessings of Abraham. So I bless you my brother!

It is tough when you personally experience racism and it is surprising it still exists today... It is less than what it was, but discrimination should totally be eradicated. Thanks for sharing your story.

Its very painful to be separated from your roots and giving away your identity. Your father did what seemed right at that moment. I will say he is a very brave man. Its not easy to let go off a part of you.
Btw have you read Zoroastrian history, we almost went through the same situations but it was centuries ago. In the Persian conquest Zoroastrians were forced to leave Iran to save their religion. We were well accepted by the Indian culture but there was a lot of give away in the bargain

Racism devours the community. Nice post @amiramnoam. keep it up

יכול להיות שזה היה לפגוע מנקודת
המבט חלופי או לשלומו או שלך
כמשפחה . אלה היו נסיבות
אינטנסיביות מתוך התקווה הקלושה כי
הם קבלו כמה תשובות בנוגע אליו
דברים לא היו מועילות עבורך . הנחה על
הסיכוי כי שמות Grands שלך מעולם
לא הראו סימנים של שינוי ואתה יודע
איפה הם , בשלב זה להיות אופטימי
מאז שקבלת בשלב לגלות נקודה
וקרובים החל

your comment doesn't make sense my friend..

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