Manifesto. This extract is being published here with the permission of the authors.The following is an extract from @tommyrobinson's latest book
I must point out I did not write this, find it worthwhile and important for Israelis to read this section as much as it is for anyone else. Especially now, many people are starting to talk about Meir Kahane again: I wanted to present what was published midway through last year by @tommyrobinson and his co-author, Peter McLaughlin.
This is broken into Part 1 and Part 2
Oligarchy in Israel (Part 2/2)
Kahane points out how the “liberal democracy” of Israel has shades of the totalitarian State from Orwellʼs 1984[1]. When someone is arrested they are told they can remain silent, but if they do remain silent the judge says that implies they are guilty of the accusation[2]. Or when the Police tell the judge that the evidence against the accused is a secret, and neither the accused nor his lawyer are permitted to see the evidence[3]. In order to appear that there is some judicial oversight of the Kafkaesque police “the suspect who should be free is not remanded for 15 days, but only for eight or ten” days[4]. Or the Police say that bail should be withheld so they can question the accused further, but on the last day of the remand the Police return to the court to extend it, having never spoken to the accused again in the time he was remanded[5]. Then there was the usage of “administrative arrest”, where the accused is
sent to prison for six months without benefit of a trial or even knowing what the charge is. After the six months are over, the Minister of Defense can sign yet another order for yet another six months, ad infinitum[6].
Kahane asserts that Israel only appears to be a democracy, saying it is really “Demotarian”:
a totalitarian regime cloaked in much of the trappings of democracy. To the outside world it is a democracy but to those who run afoul of its inner system ― and especially if they are particular thorns in the side of the government ― the totalitarian nature is clear. The success of the government in creating this Demotarianism, is due to the basic fact that Jews wish to believe only the best about the country, They do not want to believe things about it that puncture the illusions Jews so badly need[7].
We would say this does not apply only to Israel. It is a feature of probably all the so-called “liberal democracies”. Look at what The Netherlands authorities persecuted Geert Wilders[8]. Look at how the EU and the French parliaments would remove legal protection from a MEP and MP such as Marine Le Pen whom the EU and the French politicians saw as a threat (whilst ensuring that all other EU or French politicians still had legal immunity)[9]. All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Look at what “the deep state” in the USA has been doing to the billionaire who was its President from 2016 to 2020 (and contrast that with how “the Deep State” enabled and concealed the behaviour of Hilary Clinton and the Biden family). Look at what Britain has done to Julian Assange. And, of course, the non-stop State persecution of Tommy Robinson. And whilst the Marxist organisation Black Lives Matter were allowed to riot and kill and cause billions of dollars in damage, look at what was done to the protesters in Washington after 6th January 2021 or to the trucker protestors in Canada in 2022[10].
The supposed “rule of law” only exists insofar as it aids The Oligarchy. But, as in Israel, the vast majority of people cannot bring themselves to believe this ― they prefer to believe comforting lies rather than uncomfortable truths. Democracy, a free press, the rule of law, justice, and political choice
are concepts to be bandied about and used in order to consolidate power and crush meaningful opposition. But the real word is Power. That is what obsesses them, those who are the authority in Israel[11].
And as Kahane describes in Israel, so it is elsewhere, The Oligarchy includes the left-wing parties and the right-wing parties. Kahane wasnʼt some Communist, he was an anti-Communist, even if he sounds like a Woke radical.
If a political organisation should arise that successfully threatens the power of The Oligarchy, the latter will set about to destroy that new organisation and its leaders. In 1988 the Israeli “democracy” banned Kahaneʼs party. To these democrats, even the constitution of a country is to be changed when something that is legal within that constitution threatens their power:
the High Court of Israel upheld a Knesset Central Elections Committee ban on the Kach Movementʼs running in the Knesset elections. Had it been a pornographic movie, every civil libertarian organization would have come to its defense. Had a movie or play been banned on the grounds that it was dangerous to the morals of society, liberal Jewish groups and temples and rabbis would have climbed the ramparts of “freedom of speech” and “expression,” demanding that freedom ring even for pornography. Had a radical opposition group with ties to guerilla movements been stricken from the ballot in El Salvador, there would have been long and loud protests on the part of liberal Jews, clergy and lay. But when the State of Israel, long boasted of as the only democracy in the Middle East, bluntly decides that a political party that is already sitting in the Knesset and according to the polls will receive anywhere from 6-12 seats, shall not run — the silence from Jewish liberals is deafening[12].
Remember: the virtue-signalling of such “liberals” exists to distract from the fact that the signallers have no virtue. Any principle can be reversed. Murder becomes legal, provided the murdered person is too young to object, as with abortion. In Britain, The Oligarchy barely need to outlaw political parties, as the British electoral system is so corrupt it is effectively a constitutional Oligarchy with little pretence of being democratic (see Appendix 8 which shows how only a minority of voters have given power to every single government in Britain).
Kahaneʼs Kach party won its first seat in the Israeli Parliament in 1984, after failing to win a seat in the three previous elections. But note well: The Oligarchy didnʼt set out to ban it until the new party looked like it was going to be a threat to their cosy Oligarchy[13].
Looking back on the events since Kach was elected to the Knesset in 1984, one is overwhelmed by the sheer hate and trampling of basic rights. One is stunned by the bile — the defamation, the lies, the twisted faces and facts. And, of course, all from people who pride themselves on their culture, fair play, democratic tolerance and intellectual ability to discuss any and all issues scientifically, calmly, rationally. Their hatred was a poisonous, noxious thing. Their totalitarianism was mind-boggling. Israeli government television and radio ruled that Meir Kahane, a Knesset member whom they utterly opposed, be therefore, not permitted to appear on programs; not to have his statements reported; not to have his press conferences covered. Yellow journalism and blatant, deliberate lies abounded, all with intent to smear and defame[14].
Does this not sound like the same treatment meted out to Tommy Robinson? Indeed, something similar happened in the USA with Donald Trump, where TV stations decided that he was “too dangerous” to be allowed to speak for himself:
Cable networks, broadcast networks and Twitter cut short their broadcasts of President Donald Trump’s speech from the White House briefing room Thursday... MSNBC, ABC, CBS, CNBC, and NBC cut away from his speech. It’s not the first time networks have opted not to carry Trump’s remarks live; in March, several ended their live broadcasts of one of the president’s briefings[15].
Trump was at that time the elected President of the nation!
The Zionist MP Kahane was banned by the government ministries from speaking to students in Israel, although Muslims and Communists were not banned from doing so[16]. Moreover
The high schools introduced a compulsory course on “Kahanism,” which not only was filled with falsehoods, fraud and bile, but was a blatant political brainwashing course that smacked of the totalitarian systems of fascism and communism[17].
Even the Israeli military took to this political indoctrination of the lower ranks. When Kahane would speak in the Parliament, all the other MPs would walk out. This then served as a model for other Fascists elsewhere in the international arena, who walk out whenever Israeli officials speak, the Fascists justifying their actions by saying that Israel is a racist State. They follow the example set by how The Oligarchy in Israel treated the Zionist Rabbi.
The President of Israel welcomed in his residence Communists and pro-PLO Arab MKs [Members of Parliament] and refused to do the same for Meir Kahane, a Jewish Zionist Knesset member[18].
During the Covid pandemic Britainʼs Consocialist Party had avowed Communists on the committee that was set up to instil fear into the British public. The Oligarchy contains Communists as easily as it contains so-called Conservatives.
The Israeli Oligarchy organised thousands of indoctrinated young Leftists to attack Kahaneʼs public meetings[19], just as in Britain the Communist-run group “Unite Against Fascism” would do to the English Defence League (remember, one of the “founding signatories” of this Communist group was “Lord” David Cameron who attended Eton and Oxford). Some of the Israeli politicians urged the violent, indoctrinated youth to “kill them” (referring to Kahane and his voters)[20]. Kahane reports that the newspaper of the Marxist party in Israel declared the violence from the Left against Kahane and his voters was “sweet”[21].
Kahane, an elected Member of their Parliament, was even restricted in where he could travel within Israel! The censored MP points out that the Israeli Parliament changed the parliamentary rules more in just one year than they had in the previous 36 years that the State of Israel had existed. Realizing that everything he said was being dismissed as “racist” (with no definition of what “racist” actually meant) one of Kahaneʼs proposals dismissed by the Speaker of the Parliament as “racist” was (unbeknownst to the Speaker) a word for word quotation from the great Jewish philosopher Maimonides[22]. This is similar to what happened with Mohammedʼs Koran ― the book was banned as “hate speech” when all it did was put the verses of the Koran in the chronological order accepted by scholars.
What Kahane showed is that the Fascist Oligarchy use “racist” and “hate speech” to shut down those they want to be silenced. Exactly the same words can be spoken with no consequences by someone who is approved by The Oligarchy: for example, those who believe in the Koran can recite in state-funded mosques the violent hatred that is the foundation of Islam ― “kill the unbelievers” ― but if someone was to reverse that and publish a book saying “kill the Muslims” they would be in prison or would be dead at the hands of Muslims (or Leftists). All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
All of this censorship, Police repression and violent agitation by The Oligarchy of a “liberal democracy” was not enough: Kahaneʼs party continued to grow in popularity, with polls around the country showing that it was going to be the third largest political party, a challenge to the Tweedledee and Tweedledum of the Left and the Right[23]. The Oligarchy realised that they needed to protect their cosy power relationship by banning Kahaneʼs party[24]. A “liberal democracy” can tolerate and glory in allowing “fringe parties”, even if those are Marxist parties, because in reality those fringe parties are nowhere near gaining explicit power; such fringe parties allow The Oligarchy to pretend that it really is a democracy and that change can be brought about through creating a political party to address voter concerns[25].
Those who see severe political problems are thus drawn into political parties who can change nothing, and who will be destroyed if they should get close to challenging the power of The Oligarchy. Joining an existing party and taking it over from the inside is also very rare, and will be fought tooth and nail by The Oligarchy who control the infrastructure of that party. To some extent, Thatcher managed this with the Consocialist Party, but despite her success, The Oligarchy removed her when she was no longer useful to them and she threatened to take on the EU. On the Left, the Trotskyists tried this with Britainʼs Labour Party, but they were foiled by Blair and his “New Labour”. The cosy Oligarchy, shouting at each other in Parliament, pretending they oppose each other, pretending that the public has choices, when the choice is between the twins of Tweedledee or Tweedledum.
The case of Kahane illustrates that The Oligarchy will bend over backwards, abandoning all avowed principles, to hold on to power, (exactly as Orwell showed in Animal Farm):
it is important that one appreciate the sheer brazen contempt for democracy... of the Knesset law that gives the Knesset Elections Committee the right to ban a party on the basis of an interpretation of the law, as it sees it... The Knesset Elections Committee is an out-and-out political body, composed of all political parties in the Knesset[26].
The grounds on which Kahaneʼs party was banned was the allegation that the party was “racist”. Yet Kahane was not interested in racial differences or categories[27]. He was following the principles of the constitution of Israel (technically Israelʼs constitution is an evolving series of “basic laws”). The foundation of the State of Israel is their Declaration of Independence:
The Declaration of Independence is the founding document of the State of Israel and is regarded as an expression of the nation’s vision and its central beliefs. As such, it is similar to France’s Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, Britain’s Magna Carta, and the US Declaration of Independence[28].
Whether you support the existence of Israel or not is irrelevant. The document that is the foundation of the political and legal system of Israel says that it is “a Jewish state”[29]. In this context Kahane wanted only Jews to have the right to vote. If non-Jews in Israel wanted to convert to Judaism they could do so, and then be equal to Jews politically:
those who called for a Jewish state and who framed laws that discriminated against non-Jews (the Law of Return and the Jewish National Fund), did so because they intended that non-Jews would never control the Jewish state[30].
Hitlerʼs National Socialists didnʼt allow Jews to convert to being Aryans, yet Kahane was equated with the National Socialists.
We hope you can see the significance of what was done to Kahane. Kahane could see the strife in Israel caused by Communists and Muslims, and he sought to solve this by following the logical conclusions of the documents which formed the legal and democratic origin of the State. But The Oligarchy were happy to subvert democracy, ready to side with Communists and Muslims against Zionism. Because everywhere The Oligarchy are serving their own interests.
The Oligarchy in Britain are not serving the interests of the electorate in whose name they claim they are exercising political power. The Oligarchy are literally using the undemocratic power they have to ship in millions of people to replace the electorate (happening in Britain, but also in France, USA, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, etc.) As Kahane points out: if the founders of Israel did not intend Jews always to have political power, why is it that the Israeli legal system grants Jews all over the world the right to move to Israel to live? Why not allow anyone to move there, why not import millions of Muslims and Hindus, the way the British Oligarchy have done? Kahane realised that even with the “law of return” non-Jews could eventually simply outnumber Jews through birthrates alone, and he sought to use the legal, democratic process to allow Jews to decide if that should be allowed. But instead The Oligarchy decided that they would persecute Kahane and his supporters, and when that did not work The Oligarchy decided they would subvert democracy instead.
Itʼs no surprise to us that during “the covid pandemic” The Oligarchy in Israel were one of the most draconian in the world. It is also no surprise that The Oligarchy would rush to “vaccinate” their population with an experimental gene therapy. Because always and everywhere The Oligarchy serves their own interests, whilst disguising this by pretending they are looking after the welfare of the electorate. Let us consider some profound observations about the way representative, Parliamentary “democracy” works.
The concept of representative government is admitted by all not to be the ideal of democracy. That can only be when each and every citizen, personally and directly votes on the issues affecting him. That is true and pure democracy. And pure, real democracy becomes even more grossly distorted by the rise of the party system, a thing that more and more ― as the party system grows more powerful ― comes into conflict with clear popular aspirations. That the interest of the parties and the men who run them often stand in opposition to the views of the people is too clear to be even seriously debated. As the party grows more powerful, its ability to entrench itself and frustrate the vote through the creation of a political system that is a self-perpetuating one, grows. Parties in Parliament can vote themselves huge amounts of funds that give them an unbridgeable advantage over other parties and certainly over any new ones that may seek to compete with them. Parties can, and do, create Parliamentary rules that favor to an unbearable degree the large party over the small and new ones. Election rules are made that are clearly biased against new parties and against change. In short, a political Mafia grows up, often involving several parties ― even those of bitterly differing views ― whose common interest in retaining power creates a united front of political venality and empire. Worst, the dictatorship of the party acquires a contempt for the electorate, based upon a confidence in the impotence of the people to change the situation[31].
That comment isnʼt by Socialist George Orwell, nor Socialist Robert Michels, nor Socialist Jack London; it isnʼt from a true British Liberal of the 19th century; it isnʼt even Rousseau, arguably the man who inspired the revolutions in America and in France. No, those are the words of “far-right”, “anti-democratic”, “racist” Rabbi Kahane, assassinated (in mysterious circumstances) in the very year he wrote those words.
You can see from the case of Kahane that itʼs not the case that The Oligarchy are “the Jews”. In a Jewish State, The Oligarchy abandoned all political principles to destroy a Jew who was a threat to The Oligarchy, a menace because he could provide the public with a channel for change that was not in the direction The Oligarchy was planning. Kahane does not explicitly recognize that what goes on in Israel and other “democracies” is really Oligarchy, but he comes close to this recognition: he says that his party “sent fear down the spines of the political mafia that has run Israel in one form or another since its inception”[32]. And in such moments he recognizes that what this “mafia” are concerned about above all else is their power, not any political or moral principles[33]. Thatʼs why, in the case of countries like Britain, The Oligarchy can import a replacement population, a replacement population that if it doesnʼt already arrive with an ideology of violent hatred towards others (such as Islam), this replacement population is taught to hate the indigenous people. Because replacing the population is what The Oligarchy across the West is doing (see Chapter 5.4).
In case you are thinking “Well, what happened to Kahane was long ago, things have changed”. Consider what happened on 7th October 2023. Hamas and other Islamic groups launched a coordinated attack on civilians in Israel, massacring women and babies, massacring deluded young Israelis at a “peace concert”, raping and beheading, and taking back into Gaza about 250 hostages. It was precisely the kind of attack described with pride in books like The Life of Muhammad, the oldest and most authoritative Islamic biography of the founder of Islam (see Appendix 12). It was clear from the very first hours that the Jihadis from Gaza had been spending years mixing with their targets in Israel, mapping out where and who they would attack, free to do this because the Israeli Oligarchy had subverted democracy to stop Kahane.
Not only did The Oligarchy in Israel facilitate this attack by their negligence, but they immediately lied to the Israeli public about the ideological motivations for the attack. On multiple occasions, the Israeli Defence Force spokesman said: these Islamic terrorists are un-Islamic[34]. The Israeli Oligarchy have no excuse to misunderstand Islam. Over the last 30 years many of the prominent people who have documented and exposed the lies of The Oligarchy concerning Islam have either been Jews in the West or Israeli Jews ― some of them are even Professors at universities in Israel[35]. So what can possibly explain the ignorance of the Israeli Jews about Islam? Even the philosopher Maimonides (whose exact words Kahane used to expose The Oligarchyʼs efforts to silence him) had written about the systematic oppression of Jews under The Iron Heel of Islam (maybe it should be called “the iron sandal of Islam”)[36].
Israelʼs Oligarchy do not want the non-Muslims to understand Islam. If The Oligarchy in Israel are ensuring that the Jewish citizens there are kept ignorant about Islam, do you really think the Israeli Oligarchy were going to be funding Pim Fortuyn, Tommy Robinson or Renaud Camus? (Camus is credited with the phrase “the great replacement” and we discuss him in Chapter 5.2).
Everywhere The Oligarchy keep the public in a state of permanent deception, as Jack London described in his 1908 novel The Iron Heel. If you are prepared to believe the lie “you live in a liberal democracy”, donʼt be surprised when The Oligarchy lie to you about everything else ― a man with a penis and a beard is a woman, Islam is peace, population replacement is a myth, immigration boosts the economy, the welfare state cares for you, mRNA vaccines are “safe and effective”, there is no problem in Ukraine with National Socialists, etc.
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Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.136. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.136. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.136. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.136. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.136-137. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.137. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.137. ↩
Because he asked those at a political gathering if they wanted “more or fewer Moroccans in the Netherlands”, he was subjected to a (jury-less) show trial that went on for years (with the possibility of a two-year jail term), eventually finding him guilty. ↩
In 2013 “Members of the European Parliament have revoked the parliamentary immunity of Marine Le Pen, the fiery leader of France’s far-right National Front, paving the way for her to face charges in her country for inciting racial hatred”. From “Marine Le Pen loses immunity as MEP in racism case”, Marc Hall, 3 Jul 2013, Euractiv, In 2017 the French Parliament also removed her immunity from prosecution, because she tweeted images of ISIS atrocities – she could have been jailed if found guilty. “Marine Le Pen loses immunity over Twitter IS images”, BBC News, 8 Nov 2017, ↩
“Freedom Convoy: GoFundMe seizes funds of Canada ʻoccupationʼ”, 5 Feb 2022, BBC News, ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.138. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.138-139. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.140. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.138-139. ↩
“TV networks cut away from Trump’s ʻmost dishonest speechʼ ever”, Kim Lyons, 6 Nov 2020, The Verge, ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.140. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.140. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.141. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.142. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.142. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.142. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.141. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.144. Tweedeldum and Tweedledee are twins in Lewis Carrollʼs Alice Through the Looking Glass. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.148. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.152. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.150-151. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.162-163. ↩ ↩ ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.163. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.172. ↩
Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.143. Often Kahane refers to The Oligarchy as the “Israeli Establishment” (Meir Kahane (1990), Israel: Revolution or Referendum, p.159). ↩
Itʼs significant that the academic studies where Michels was still being taught towards the end of the 20th century were concerned with the nature of political power, for example, Marvin E. Olsen (1970) ed., Power in Society and Barbara Kellerman (1986) ed., Political Leadership. It seems likely that if Kahane had read Michels, he would have known what to expect about how “liberal democracy” really works. ↩
The IDF spokesman addressed the media saying “taking women and children hostage goes against Islam”, when the Islamic texts make it abundantly clear that this is precisely what Muslims have done since the time of Mohammed. You can see the video of the IDF statement here:
In truth you donʼt have to be a scholar of Islamic theology or its history to understand that Hamas is Islamic and that it is committed to following the murderous actions of the founder of Islam. You can look at the Hamas Charter. Hamas (a.k.a The Islamic Resistance Movement) states “This document is the product of deep deliberations... It also establishes our common understanding of the Palestinian cause, the working principles which we use to further it, and the limits of flexibility used to interpret it. [..] The Islamic Resistance Movement ʻHamasʼ... Palestine, which extends from the River Jordan in the east to the Mediterranean [Sea] in the west... Islam – for Hamas - provides a comprehensive way of life and an order that is fit for purpose at all times and in all places... The Zionist project is a racist, aggressive, colonial and expansionist project... Resisting the occupation with all means and methods is a legitimate right guaranteed by divine laws... Hamas rejects any attempt to undermine the resistance and its arms [sic]”
Hamas use the same phrase slavery term (“racist”) to galvanize hatred towards Israel and Jews as Israelʼs Oligarchy used against Rabbi Kahane.There are experts in Israel, such as Professor Moshe Sharon who have pointed out “There is no fundamental Islam. There is only Islam full stop... Wherever you have Islam, you will have war. It grows out of the attitude of Islamic civilization.... thereʼs also war by infiltration.” Yet these are voices that The Oligarchy ignores and wants the public to ignore. As Professor Sharon said in 2003 “All of a sudden we see that the greatest interpreters of Islam are politicians in the western world. They know better than all the speakers in the mosques, all those [in the mosques] who deliver terrible sermons against anything that is either Christian or Jewish.” Instead of an address to the Israeli Parliament, the above quotation is taken from an article published by Prof. Sharon on an obscure UK jewish website. And 20 years after he made those obscured comments, The Israeli Oligarchy was telling Israel (and the world) that the butchery, rape and enslavement by Hamas was “not Islamic”, when these things are proudly extolled in the core texts of Islam.
Here is a list of just some of the books in English by Jews and/or Israelis (from 1981 to 2021) which The Israeli Oligarchy have no excuses not to know (which means they do know the content but pretend that they donʼt). Of course there are dozens and dozens of other relevant books by non-Jews and/or written in languages other than English. The Oligarchy have their reasons for deceiving the public in Israel. No doubt if they hadnʼt banned Kahaneʼs party the public in Israel would be very familiar with the content of these books, despite The Oligarchy.
Bostom, Andrew G. (2007) The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History, Prometheus Books; (2010) Legacy of Jihad, Prometheus Books; (2012) Sharia versus Freedom: The Legacy of Islamic Totalitarianism, Prometheus Books
Israeli, Raphael (1993) Muslim Fundamentalism in Israel, Brassey’s, UK; (2003) Islamikaze: Manifestations of Islamic Martyrology, Frank Cass; (2008) The Spread of Islamikaze Terrorism in Europe: The Third Islamic Invasion, Vallentine Mitchell; (2008) The Islamic Challenge in Europe, Transaction Publishers; (2009) Muslim Anti-Semitism in Christian Europe: Elemental and Residual Anti-Semitism, Transaction Publishers; (2012) The Oslo Idea: The Euphoria of Failure, Transaction Publishers; (2013) From Arab Spring to Islamic Winter, Transaction Publishers; (2014) Hatred, Lies, and Violence in the World of Islam, Transaction Publishers; (2016) Christianophobia: The Persecution of Christians under Islam, Wipf & Stock Publishers; (2021) The Suffering of the Serbs in Sarajevo during the Bosnia War (1992-5), Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co.; (2021) Rushing to Self-Perdition - Israelis Naively Tolerating Domestic Subversion of Their Arab Policies, Strategic Book Publishing.
Meir-Levi, David (2007) History Upside Down: the Roots of Palestinian Fascism and the Myth of Israeli Aggression, Encounter Books.
Phillips, Melanie (2007) Londonistan, Encounter Books.
Pipes, Daniel (1981) Slave Soldiers and Islam: The Genesis of a Military System, Yale University Press; (1983) In the Path of God: Islam and Political Power, Basic Books; (1990) The Rushdie Affair: The Novel, the Ayatollah, and the West, Birch Lane Press; (2002) Militant Islam Reaches America, W.W. Norton & Company
Ye’or, Bat, (1985) The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians under Islam, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; (1996) Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam: From Jihad to Dhimmitude, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; (2006) Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; (2011) Europe, Globalization and the Coming Universal Caliphate, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press
See p.21 and p.513-514 in Andrew Bostom ed. (2008) The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History, Prometheus Books, New York. ↩
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