The Darkest Day in Israel's History

in #israellast year


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I've been raging on X but it's taken me a day to be able to sit down here on Hive and gather my thoughts.

Yesterday started for us just to the north of Tel Aviv with a rocket alarm at 06:31. Nobody in Israel had said anything about heightened tensions, in nearly all cases in the past I've lived through, these kinds of alarms were preceded by discussion and warnings.

Not this one. Saturday morning was not just the Sabbath but the morning of the night/day which ends the Sukkoth holiday. We would have been sleeping in.

When the alarm sounds my wife and I got up and woke our boys and we all went to our safe room. We have 90s. I had to move the 1cm thick steel plate across the window.

We waited in there for a few minutes after the alarm and heard a few distant Iron Dome interceptions.

The News

My wife turned on the Hebrew news on Channel 12 and they were playing pre-recorded programs with just a side bar showing rocket alarms all over the south. Nobody was saying anything because there was nobody in studio. It took them 20 mins to even get a presenter on air!

Rocket alarms on the TV


And as my wife watched I tried to sleep again because I'd only fallen asleep at 3am. I'm still jet lagged after HiveFest in Mexico. I think an hour later we got another alarm. More hiding, more explosions.

And then the news started to emerge that this wasn't just about rockets. This was so much worse.

I'm following a bunch of useful accounts on X and I can only suggest for more detail if you're interested you follow me there.

I got a huge amount of signal boost, for some reason after I posted this:

Our local municipality is calling all armed civilians to come to a muster point in the area.

Message from municipality

Day 3

It's the morning of Day 3. The death toll already (and it is going to keep rising) is probably the greatest loss of Jewish life since the Holocaust. This isn't an exaggeration. Never on a single day in any of the wars Israel fought, did so many of our citizens die.

I didn't manage to post yesterday and I'm going to post now. There's so much more to say but thank you so much to all of you who've dm'd or contacted me via any of the various channels.

Value for Value

For the last few months while building @v4vapp I was generously supported by the DHF. Going forward I have a much more modest support which covers direct server costs and a little of my time.

If you appreciate the work I do on and around Hive, you can express this directly: upvoting posts on Hive is great. Also consider a direct donation (there's a Tip button on Hive or a Lightning Address) on all my posts.

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Support Proposal 265 on Ecency
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Been following all your posts on X, hard to find the right words as an outsider.

I hope the international community has the spine to step up. As Churchill said the best, when true evil is on the rise we shall never surrender, we shall rise.

Same. This type of situation is never easy to hear about, but knowing people in the middle of it all brings it home in completely different way. Sending prayers of protection, positive energy, and much love to @brianoflondon and his family.

stay safe man. I am following the what's happening on twitter/x and it doesn't look good. People are already taking sides. I am all for peace in the region. at the end of the day children and women will be causalities in this war.

This is not a good news to hear and I hope everything is resolved as soon as possible and please stay safe with your family.

Sad episode for humanity... I hope you are good and this thing ends soon.

Hope everything is fine as it seems you are struggling with sleep

🤞🏻 Really hope that you and your family stay safe, @brianoflondon and that this madness ends soon. What a human nightmare! 🫣

I'm deeply sorry to hear about the distressing situation you and your family are going through. It's truly disheartening to hear about the loss of lives and the fear that people in your region are experiencing due to the ongoing conflict. It will be fine brother.

I'm so sorry about what happened, man. I hope you are well and continue to stay safe. People are not only making themselves look bad but also making Islam look wrong. They know there will be a consequence for what they do, but I don't know why they do it.

The atrocities committed against a civilian population and the acts of terrorism committed in various parts of Israel will surely be met with a firm and strong response from the people and state that have been attacked. The international community cannot fail to condemn in unison this terrorist act and the massacre of children, young people and women that is taking place throughout the south of Israel. It is a disgrace that we are experiencing this in the 21st century.

Oh my God!
I didn't even know that we had Israelites here
Please make sure that you are safe
Try to find a place where you can hide

I cant even imagine dude....Stay safe there with everything that happens but when there is time keep posting so Hive knows what actually happens from there

Stay safe and much love and strength wished!

I pray for everyone!

Why do you live in a land that is not yours? You abandon us its original inhabitants and surround them and kill their children and wait for them to give you hugs Tell them about your crimes every day against the children of Palestine



