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RE: Question time, Israel!

in #israel7 years ago

benefit of the doubt has to be with the Palestinians since they are not the ones who have been captured committing those atrocities.

There is no "has to be". That is subjective. It also applies an appeal to authority. I don't tend to accept mandates.

a pathetic tool in comparison to the arsenal Israel has at its disposal.

So what?

Death and injury are death and injury. If you attack me with anything I'll attack back. Which of us has better weapons is irrelevant.


I'd say 60 dead, 2700 injured vs 1 injured suggest that it does matter.

Quantity does not make things good, bad. Even 1 is bad.

The reality is that if you attack a border even with stones then there will be consequences.

It was pretty damn stupid. Yes, they were goaded into it, yet it was stupid.
