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RE: Why is Israel so important?

in #israellast month

I adore the land and people of Israel, for the sake of the Most High, who cares deeply for the land and people of Israel and for the sake of Messiah who says those who do the will of the Father are "my brothers".

Perhaps it's "semantics" but I do not like the term "semetic". It's an old term referring to the Middle-Eastern people, as descendants of "Shem". Yet nobody is called an anti-japethic. Nor is anyone called an anti-chemite. But the term anti-semite is used frequently. Maybe it's just me, but it really bothers me. Bible words must have bible meanings.

The real issue here is not anti-semitism, it's anti-Judaism. And not just religious, but ethnic and cultural. It's commonly called anti-zionism, so anti-Judaism can appear as being against a political agenda, not against a religion or people or culture. But I have come to believe, where there is anti-zionism, there is anti-Judaism. People railing against any attempt to restore the ancient land of Judea and Samaria. And when the Anti-Judite says "They're not real Jews" or say "occupiers", they disclose their true identity, not as an anti-semite, but as simply anti-Israel.

It's important that criticism of the STATE of Israel (even modes and methods of expansion) are very different than being an anti-judite, but sadly these days it doesn't take much to be labeled an antisemite. For example, I do not agree with the term "logistical support personnel" referring to people who are placed in harms way (willingly or unwillingly), with the purpose of acting as a human shield over valuable targets. These "personnel" are likely descendants of Shem and unlikely descendants of Amalek. I can understand why the Israeli STATE military would use the term "logistical support personnel" and technically it's true, but I believe that it's morally wrong to diminish their blood with this term. I also understand NOT making them martyrs, but they are people, not personnel. God knows.

I believe things are going to escalate, even to the point where the whole world (practically speaking) will be against Israel. So many people talk about "Armageddon", but forget that the judgment will have to do with how the nations treated the People of God and His Inheritance:

"I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land." Joel

Instead of scattering and dividing, the nations (who are God-Fearing) should be GATHERING the people and UNIFYING the land of Israel. Instead, many ignorant people chant "From the river to the sea..."


You are of course correct about the term "anti-semite", but it is the commonly understood term and I wanted to talk about other things.

When I say "logistical support personnel" I am not talking about merely being a willing human shield and certainly not an unwilling one. Also this is my term and views and its not used by the State of Israel or the IDF.

I am talking about storing weapons and other military gear in your apartment for the ready use of Hamas operatives who come in dressed in civilian clothes and exit as armed fighters. A very large number of Gazan homes provided this military logistical support function.

I am talking about knowingly having the entrance to underground military infrastructure inside your house or apartment building. A very large number of Gazan residential buildings hide entrances to Hamas's massive (300 mile+) military tunnel complex

I am talking about joining in a terrorist invasion of Israel and participating in rape, murder and hostage taking, as thousands of "regular Gazans" did. See

I am talking about holding hostages on behalf of Hamas or other terrorist groups as many "regular Gazans" did. Those hostages that were rescued were all held by prominent Gazan "civilians."

Under the laws of war such conduct makes you a combatant and your property a military target. Your are the logistical support troops for an army. You are not a civilian.

The IDF have not taken this view, wrongly IMHO, and instead have expended huge efforts to keep Hamas' logistical support personnel out of harms way, moving them out of the way while the IDF destroys Hamas infrastructure.

That is why the destruction of buildings is so high in Gaza but the "civilian" death toll is so low, especially compared to other recent urban warfare. The US and Russia have killed 10x as many civilians for every terrorist killed in much less difficult urban combat in the last decades.