Opposition Closer To Claiming Bibi Behind 10/7 As Pretext To Take Down Iran, Proxies

in #israel2 months ago

If enough voters see the victories as sufficient to make up for Black Sabbath, he might secure yet another term.

Jerusalem, December 24 - Increasingly-desperate political opponents of Israel's incumbent prime minister have begun entertaining rhetoric unthinkable a few months ago, aides say, as they prepare to echo claims by antisemitic atrocity-deniers that the Palestinian butchery that sparked the current conflict between Israel and Iran's terrorist hirelings occurred because the premier wanted an excuse to go to war against Tehran.

As they witness the most improbable potential comeback in the country's history - an embittered electorate betrayed by the complacency of its military, intelligence, and political leadership, gradually appreciating the massive strategic improvement in Israel's situation in the region and globally as a result of resolute prosecution of the ensuing war under Binyamin Netanyahu's stewardship, as reflected in public opinion polls - the prime minister's chief rivals for leadership of the country, Yair Lapid of the Yesh Atid Party, and Benny Gantz of the Israel Resilience Party, have found their efforts to ride discontent with Netanyahu to the premiership foiled, even as the latter remains embattled in criminal proceedings in court for alleged corruption, and faces a firehose of negative press from a mostly-unfriendly media both domestically and internationally.

The result, the aides acknowledged, involves Lapid and Gantz, and to a lesser extent, malcontents from smaller parties outside the center-right coalition, adopting talking points from anti-Israel propagandists who insisted in the wake of the October 7, 2023 massacres that at the very least, Netanyahu and his cronies had failed to prevent the debacle, as a means to foment war with Iran and Iran's proxies in the region, and perhaps, though they have yet to decide to take it this far publicly, to accuse Netanyahu himself of engineering the massacres for warmongering purposes.

Public support for Netanyahu plummeted in the wake of October 7. However, IDF and Israeli intelligence prosecution of the war against Hamas, then against Hezbollah, then against the Houthis in Yemen, all of whom had joined the conflict - not to mention strikes against Iran itself - have stemmed the tide of Netanyahu-must-go sentiment among the public, even as his opponents staged rallies against him under the veneer of campaigning for a deal to release at least some of the October 7 hostages in Gaza. Israel's strategic position, fourteen months after the bloodiest day for Jews since the Holocaust, has never been stronger, analysts believe, and if enough voters see that as sufficient to make up for Black Sabbath, as it became known, he might secure yet another term in elections that we could swear were imminent a year ago, but apparently will not take place sooner than 2026 if Bibi's government doesn't fall, which it looks like it won't?

I mean, WTAF? This is not normal.

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