About 95% of the buff soldiers in the zone are men, but the female specimens attract more attention.
Majdal Shams, December 12 - A printing error in public and military communications has resulted in an influx of attractive, toned bodies into an area that Israel secured this week to protect its northern communities from impending chaos in Syria, as the announcement of a Golan Heights operation heralded the creation of a "buffer zone" but omitted the final two letters of the first word, military sources reported today.
Muscular, athletic soldiers in unusually-high numbers milled about the eastern Golan Heights yesterday and today, the result of Israel creating a buff zone in a strip of the territory left unoccupied on the Syrian frontier as part of a 1974 armistice agreement. United Nations troops had observed adherence to the ceasefire ever since, but IDF soldiers were ordered to step in to defend those international peacekeepers on Saturday and Sunday in the face of attacks by insurgents in Syria's south as the Assad regime crumbled. The Minister of Defense announced the intention to create the zone, but commanders misunderstood the orders because "buffer" came out as "buff" and as many as 10,000 ultra-fit soldiers have since arrived.
"I'm not sure why no one has done anything about the misunderstanding," remarked a captain between pushups. "Though I suspect some of the people who could otherwise remedy it are quite taken by the gathering in one place of so many attractively-built people."
About 95% of the buff soldiers in the zone are men, but the female specimens attracted more attention, both from their fellow soldiers and from media personnel permitted into certain parts of the buff zone. In one incident, military police enforcing the zone prevented a team of journalists from entering. Then the cameraman exhibited his upper body, toned by years of hauling the equipment of his trade, and the MPs allowed him, but not the rest of the crew, to enter.
Sentries now man posts at the entry points to the zones. In addition to checking for operational and unit identification for those seeking to enter, as in any closed military zone, the guards perform a physical inspection that begins with a once-over, and proceeds to an order to slowly turn around, whereupon the sentries eye the buttocks, thighs, and calves of the aspiring entrant. If that element of the inspection passes muster, the candidates for entry must submit to a flexed-biceps feel, and, in cases where the sentries remain in doubt, might be required to offer a visual of their entire shirtless torsos.
An incident has also occurred in which a non-athletic soldier was, in the end, permitted entry into the zone carrying shoe-polishing implements and materials.
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