Because it belongs to the Rothschild diaspora... they control the world economy from London. "Give me control of a nation's money supply and I care not who makes its laws."
They control Israel and nobody gave "the Jews" anything. There's a huge difference between Jews (a religion) and Zionism (a political movement)
Every country (almost) has a Federal Reserve type bank, so if they control Israel they also control every other country under that system.
What Zionism means to people who don't use it as a shorthand for ZOG is the Jewish nation having sovereignty over Israel.
What do you mean when you say Zionist?
Hey, you're starting to catch on. The Jewish nation doesn't control Israel, Zionists do. Zionism is a political ideology that started back in the 19th century if not before. There are many Christian Zionists (Alex Jones, Jerome Corsi). The Christian Zionists want to see Biblical prophesy accelerated. Listen to a few of David Icke's video's on Zionism or just go to Y-Tube there's plenty about it on there. Many Many Jews are opposed to Zionism. Most of the really religious ones are.