Stand up against Israel re-writing history, censorship, narrative control that supports Jewish Supremacy before it's too late...

in #israel6 years ago

ADL arming google / youtube / facebook / twitter with algorithms to remove "fake news" attempting to wipe out antisemitism and reinforce pro-Israel narrative. Adam Green from Know More News does some great videos ive linked here.


Israel has hired teams of young people and endorsed social media personalities to remove or call out anything anti Israel, particularly the truth that hurts them.



ADL creating an "online hate index" using AI and machine learning to deepen the censorship automatically... and social media giants love it!


Unit 8200 and other groups job is to re-write Wikipedia, in turn re-write history to be pro-Israel.


An app to alert you with new articles & what to do like little Zionist puppets...


We are at a dangerous times of the information wars, look beyond the left/right distraction to create more fear/division and see the bigger picture of who is curating this story, who is pulling Trump's strings.


Lookup Jared Kushner and Sheldon Adelson for some more insight into how the Rothschild's paid off Trump's casino debts to control him for their use, which ended up being pro-Israel agenda once he's in office. Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem was the first big step, and many more to come.


Why does the US bomb Syria and now targeting Iran (false flag imminent to reinforce war) when it doesn't serve the American people, only Israel?


Time to wake up and take the really big red pill that goes well beyond MAGA, before history is re-written online, censorship is at full tilt and the prophecy of the 3rd temple being rebuilt to bring rise to the messiah, which will spell the end of all non-Jews and create a global slave state, one world bank, one world religion, the real NWO that goes well beyond Hillary / deep state narrative push.


I used to be a huge QANON follower but with all this disinformation online and controlled opposition in the alt-media being exposed as Zionists - Alex Jones, Rebel Media, Ben Shapiro, Laura Loomer, Breitbart - it's left me thinking that the Q phenomena is also apart of "the plan" and just another distraction, or at least a pro-Trump psy-op to keep hopes alive to squash the deep state and keep Trump / Zionism in power in the US.


The Rothschild's, the royal family, the Vatican & Israel are running the show and soon (((they))) will have their personal desires fulfilled of total global dominance if we don't stand up and start to speak out about this Jewish supremacy to enslave the world for their own self-fulfilling prophecy.



The Vatican is a satanist organization, the pope is a 33d free mason. the truth is in plain sight if you look deep enough, pedophilia, child trafficking and ritual sacrifice is a global crisis.


Fiona Barnett is one of the survivors of this child sex / satanic ritual sacrifice global ring and MK Ultra mind control speaking out, and there are many more that following suit, risking their lives to call out this perverse atrocity.


Israel has technology well beyond everyone, nukes are useless if they cant power up. Look up talpiot program and check out along with work by Brendon O Connell, Israel has all the innovative high tech which is why they get away with the absolute destruction on the Palestinian's with no global retort.



#talpiotprogram #adl #unit8200 #jewishsupremacy #censorship #3rdemple #jewsihmessiah #zionist #israel #disinformation #nwo #jidf #qanon


The problem with going this deep down the rabbit hole, well beyond American politics (dems vs reps, left vs right paradigm) and seeing that both sides are controlled by the Rothschild's, that they are all Zionists or do the bidding for the Israel firsters, it doesnt leave much hope for our supposed democratic system to sort itself out. things will get much worse, smart cities controlling and spying on the nation like a real life Orwellian nightmare. if you get out of line, the drones will swoop in like a hive and take out any target anywhere. this may all sound like Judgement Day in Terminator 2, but honestly with what ive read up, that film is not far from the truth, only it wont be the robots we need to worry about becoming self aware and taking over, but the robots/drones controlled by (((them))) to keep society in check and herded like cattle, consuming and doing their bidding.

The only solution to avoiding this catastrophic future is to be aware, educate yourself on what has already happened in the past and what is expected to come next. talking about it and spreading the word is the only chance we have to stand up against these evil forces. ignorance will only lead to a surprise when this becomes a reality. with 5g around the corner, that will be the 1st stage of global suppression, then the drones and the smart cities. knowledge is our only chance to expose these atrocities.

unfortunately this blog isn't complete cause it doesn't cover the russia / china threat. china is in the back pocket of Israel with their belt & road initiative to build smart cities, to control society by giving us the illusion of technological advanced living. russia / communism / bolsheviks is the old form of what the zionists are doing today, just rebranded. trotsky was a russian jew who helped wipe out 30 million russian christians. so i think russia is heavily involved with israel and this global domination plan, tho not totally clear on their exact involvement. putin seems complicit to Israel's plans, even tho he's on the side of Iran/Syria opposing Israel/America's attempt to break up Syria for their own benefits...

You are pointing in the right direction. But something tells me the "Age of Empires" is coming to its end.

The West is no longer the leading force in the world.

Imperialism is outdated in a globalized world.

well with the way things are going, the west is controlled by the Rothschild's and being moulded into the east / middle east and Africa to create 1 race - a mixed culture where we cant define ourselves from each country due to mass immigration. the NWO plan to have 1 religion (way of thinking), 1 bank and no borders. but i feel we have a chance to overthrow this globalist plan with education to the masses. (((they))) cant control us if we know how we are being manipulated...

if this is not so, how do you see things progressing in a post-globalist world?